FF Diff Viewer

Comparing 2006 Base SDK to Fortress Forever 2.46


// Purpose: // // $Workfile: $ // $Date: $ // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #if !defined( GAMEMOVEMENT_H )
// Purpose: // // $Workfile: $ // $Date: 2005/10/21 17:22:39 $ // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #if !defined( GAMEMOVEMENT_H )
#define CTEXTURESMAX 512 // max number of textures loaded #define CBTEXTURENAMEMAX 13 // only load first n chars of name #define GAMEMOVEMENT_DUCK_TIME 1000.0f // ms #define GAMEMOVEMENT_JUMP_TIME 510.0f // ms approx - based on the 21 unit height jump #define GAMEMOVEMENT_JUMP_HEIGHT 21.0f // units #define GAMEMOVEMENT_TIME_TO_UNDUCK ( TIME_TO_UNDUCK * 1000.0f ) // ms
#define CTEXTURESMAX 512 // max number of textures loaded #define CBTEXTURENAMEMAX 13 // only load first n chars of name #define GAMEMOVEMENT_DUCK_TIME 400.0f // |-- Mirv: Inline with TFC value now #define GAMEMOVEMENT_JUMP_TIME 510.0f // ms approx - based on the 21 unit height jump #define GAMEMOVEMENT_JUMP_HEIGHT 21.0f // units #define GAMEMOVEMENT_TIME_TO_UNDUCK ( TIME_TO_UNDUCK * 1000.0f ) // ms
void WaterJump( void ); // Handles both ground friction and water friction void Friction( void ); void AirAccelerate( Vector& wishdir, float wishspeed, float accel );
void WaterJump( void ); // Handles both ground friction and water friction virtual void Friction( void ); void AirAccelerate( Vector& wishdir, float wishspeed, float accel );
void AddGravity( void ); // Handle movement in noclip mode. void FullNoClipMove( float factor, float maxacceleration ); // Returns true if he started a jump (ie: should he play the jump animation)? virtual bool CheckJumpButton( void ); // Overridden by each game.
void AddGravity( void ); // Handle movement in noclip mode. virtual void FullNoClipMove( float factor, float maxacceleration ); // |-- Mirv: Made virtual // Returns true if he started a jump (ie: should he play the jump animation)? virtual bool CheckJumpButton( void ); // Overridden by each game.
// Handle movement when in MOVETYPE_LADDER mode. virtual void FullLadderMove(); // The basic solid body movement clip that slides along multiple planes virtual int TryPlayerMove( Vector *pFirstDest=NULL, trace_t *pFirstTrace=NULL );
// Handle movement when in MOVETYPE_LADDER mode. virtual void FullLadderMove(); // Movement while building virtual void FullBuildMove( void ); // The basic solid body movement clip that slides along multiple planes virtual int TryPlayerMove( Vector *pFirstDest=NULL, trace_t *pFirstTrace=NULL );
virtual float LadderLateralMultiplier( void ) const { return 1.0f; } // See if the player has a bogus velocity value. void CheckVelocity( void ); // Does not change the entities velocity at all void PushEntity( Vector& push, trace_t *pTrace );
virtual float LadderLateralMultiplier( void ) const { return 1.0f; } // See if the player has a bogus velocity value. virtual void CheckVelocity( void ); // Does not change the entities velocity at all void PushEntity( Vector& push, trace_t *pTrace );