FF Diff Viewer

Comparing 2006 Base SDK to Fortress Forever 2.46


SND_SHOULDPAUSE = (1<<7), // this sound should be paused if the game is paused #if defined( _XBOX ) SND_XBOX_UI = (1<<8), // It's an xbox UI sound, don't suppress when game UI is active (in the menu system) ... all other sounds are paused SND_XBOX_LOOP = (1<<8) #endif }; #define SND_FLAG_BITS_ENCODE 8
SND_SHOULDPAUSE = (1<<7), // this sound should be paused if the game is paused #if defined( _XBOX ) SND_XBOX_UI = (1<<8), // It's an xbox UI sound, don't suppress when game UI is active (in the menu system) ... all other sounds are paused SND_XBOX_LOOP = (1<<8), #endif // needed for ac rev sound to play at the same time as ac loop shot sound - Jon SND_CHANGE_CHAN = (1<<9), // change sound pitch }; #define SND_FLAG_BITS_ENCODE 8