Fortress Forever

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o_lithium 04-27-2006 07:54 AM

let's all play openfire , you stupid kids.

o_don 04-27-2006 08:23 AM

Maybe capping flag A at enemy base B could be achieved by touching flag B? V dangeous as enemy would want to kill and steal flag to cap themselves. But you could make reward great. Plus you'd have another enemy flag in your hands.

o_nezumi 04-27-2006 10:19 AM

I could do that, don. I was thinking that conc up to the enemy bats to cap there might not always be feasible. If the bridges are closed then you'd have to use a conc to get across them more than once and you may not have any left by the time you get out with a flag, or perhaps if you take off from the base you got the flag from and try to conc directly to the enemy bats and miss you're in some trouble. Soldiers would spend health making the extra RJs too. Consider also that there may be other offy members from other teams in the base with you fighting you all the way out of an enemy base.

So if capping is too easy with the cap point on the battlements there, I could move it inside where the the little lamp (placeholding for the keycard) is now, on that little platform just outside the spawn rooms. You can still take a big shortcut with a conc/rj to the battlements but it'd be much more likely that you'd loose the flag. I could also tweak the number of points you get for capping on an enemy cap point, up or down (probably down if anything).

In anycase it's all totally fluid at this point.

P.S. Has anyone tried shooting a combine ball into the strange field in the spawn rooms?

o_loader 04-27-2006 11:37 AM

Slap me if this has been mentoined before..

But how does this map work? Can the red team capture the blue, green and yellow flag? Or do they have 'allies'?

Looks okay, the outside is a bit much though imo.. Too much detail and colour, makes my eyes hurt.

o_nezumi 04-28-2006 10:41 AM

Erk, yea. To clarify, Red team can pick up the Green, Blue and Yellow flag. They can cap it at any base but the one they picked it up from. So, for example, Red can go grab Blue's flag and cap it at Red, Green or Yellow's base. They would get extra points for capping Blue's flag at the Green or Yellow base.

o_tennovan 04-28-2006 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Nezumi
Erk, yea. To clarify, Red team can pick up the Green, Blue and Yellow flag. They can cap it at any base but the one they picked it up from. So, for example, Red can go grab Blue's flag and cap it at Red, Green or Yellow's base. They would get extra points for capping Blue's flag at the Green or Yellow base.

If so, maybe not more than a couple points because this adds a whole new variant to the game. Not many people are going to be protecting their own cap point but I guess they might start. You kill the guy with flag before he caps, take it and cap it yourself.

The map itself is looking nice. I think once the vis gets fixed and new textures are put in, it could eventually play well. There are some spots where I was only getting 15 fps or so. But I had fun running around in it for a bit.

Lost 04-29-2006 03:03 PM

Hell, I didn't even think of that, actually defending your caps instead of your flag. That does change everything and would be hella fun too.

BTW, I'm stealing your siggy Tenn! Except I'm all blue team! :mrgreen:

o_nezumi 04-30-2006 02:32 AM

I'm still kinda confused about lithiuM's post.

o_nuk3m 08-22-2006 08:12 AM

4way ctf should be fun. im looking forward to playing it when FF comes out.

o_donny 08-22-2006 02:20 PM

I can see lots of eat's ff_well map influence on this map ;)

o_nezumi 08-22-2006 03:16 PM

Actually, I think the main influence from a dev map was the grate floors in the ramps leading up to the sniper deck, kinda stolen from this screenshot:

Subconsciously, who knows what's influenced me though :p

o_tfcog 08-23-2006 07:42 AM

I don't think this concept will work too well unless there's more than 20 players per team every time the map is played. I think it would be a lot more fun if you had it like Murderball where you have to hold the flag from the other 3 teams, the only difference is when you cap the flag, it sets it in a designated area of the base instead of there having to be a flag carrier the whole time. This makes it a little easier to defend the flag I think. The layout looks sweet so far, good job!

o_nodnarb 08-23-2006 02:10 PM

I like what ^he^ said

o_nezumi 08-24-2006 04:24 AM

I do agree that this layout may not work to well all the time, especially with fewer players, but I've always felt there needed to be a 4 way CTF map.

o_racer 08-24-2006 06:32 AM

If the map saw league action, 4 teams would play in one match, could shake things up a bit in the standings with 1 team getting a win and 3 a loss.

Very interesting Idea. see how it works after FF is released, till then just tweak it when your bored or inspired. GL with it.

o_nezumi 08-24-2006 04:00 PM

I would so love to see a 4 way match.

o_burnt_gravy 08-30-2006 01:43 AM

I downloaded your map and it's interesting to say the least. You really need to get the shadows and such down though, might be hard on low end computers. Not a bad idea, as i said very interesting design.

Donny 09-20-2007 08:32 PM

Nezumi! Fortressforeverize your map!

GeoKill-----> 09-20-2007 09:41 PM

Man, I really miss that guy, he vanished

Donny 09-21-2007 05:58 AM

Yeah. Made bunch of good maps and now he is gone. :cry:

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