Fortress Forever

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o_stino 07-13-2005 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Imbrifer
Wow, great improvements. Thanks for listening to everyone, and such.

The cables on the bridge seem to come out of nowhere, or at least something could be done besides that horizontal piece of metal. The cable bridge and each base bridge could use a little beefing up, methinks.

Some of the eternal architecture looks blocky (tho I'm sure some of that is due to textures which I assume will change), so I want to encourage you to try to take advantage of the architecture capabilities of Source.

But well done, and rock on :)

blocky, hmm, i've tryed to round the border at the top with a torus, but that only causes some errors with invalid solid structures.

any help with the architecture is welcome.


Originally Posted by Etzell
THAT'S what I'm talking about! Good job! I like it, Steve!
However, that ladder looks freakishly thin, and I'm still iffy about that bridge.

the ladder is a model and its exact the width of a player


Originally Posted by Darknight
Good going man. Looking so much better than when you first started it.

Any chance of an AVI when you get to an almost 100% finished stage? Please. :)

don't thinks so, (i don't have a host to put something big like a movie on it + i don't know how to get a demo into an avi)

here are some screenshots of the flagroom

more roundings coming :d

o_stino 07-13-2005 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by stino

Originally Posted by Imbrifer
Wow, great improvements. Thanks for listening to everyone, and such.

The cables on the bridge seem to come out of nowhere, or at least something could be done besides that horizontal piece of metal. The cable bridge and each base bridge could use a little beefing up, methinks.

Some of the eternal architecture looks blocky (tho I'm sure some of that is due to textures which I assume will change), so I want to encourage you to try to take advantage of the architecture capabilities of Source.

But well done, and rock on :)

blocky, hmm, i've tryed to round the border at the top with a torus, but that only causes some errors with invalid solid structures.

any help with the architecture is welcome.


Originally Posted by Etzell
THAT'S what I'm talking about! Good job! I like it, Steve!
However, that ladder looks freakishly thin, and I'm still iffy about that bridge.

the ladder is a model and its exact the width of a player


Originally Posted by Darknight
Good going man. Looking so much better than when you first started it.

Any chance of an AVI when you get to an almost 100% finished stage? Please. :)

don't thinks so, (i don't have a host to put something big like a movie on it + i don't know how to get a demo into an avi)


Originally Posted by Azlan
I miss the Jabba the Hut style of the original :(

What do you mean?

there is something about source, i can't say what, but the canyons of hl1 have a better feeling

here are some screenshots of the flagroom

more roundings coming :d

o_catzeyes93 07-13-2005 02:28 PM

ugh... my favorite ledge to put my sg on for the flag area is gone. =-( Is it possible to put a new ledge in a diff location for defending the flag? It doesnt have to be the same ole same ole place... but someplace against those walls surrounding the flag pit?

By the way, you have done a WONderful job with this map! It looks very playable and purty. I just worry weather or not I will be able to walk along the paths. Some of those look like I would fall right off the edge! LOL!

o_kam 07-13-2005 02:32 PM

where the fuck is the spiral staircase D:

mervaka 07-13-2005 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by CatzEyes93
ugh... my favorite ledge to put my sg on for the flag area is gone. =-( Is it possible to put a new ledge in a diff location for defending the flag? It doesnt have to be the same ole same ole place... but someplace against those walls surrounding the flag pit?

dont forget the light above that ledge too :/

o_drtom 07-13-2005 04:56 PM

im sure he will add those little details soon!

it looks cool, just that considering its a desert environment, the inside looks a bit like a silo or something, can we have like sand in the corners or a bit more yellowness/orangey light in places ?!

o_etzell 07-13-2005 04:57 PM

I miss the spiral staircase and the little ledge. It also needs the other SG cove above the entrance...

o_catzeyes93 07-13-2005 09:50 PM

I would think that a new rendering of the map would lend itself to some minor changes. I wouldnt mind having the small stuff missing, but I would like to see that we make sure that we account for some of the needs around the original reason it was there. Example: originally there were to alcoves and a light fixture in that fr area... engies would build there. So if we take any of those out, perhaps be sure to include another alcove or ledge in a similar fashon in about that area. You know... like... put the light on the OTHER side. Or instead of the alcove, put a ledge... ya know?

o_epothon 07-13-2005 10:04 PM

This map looks FAB! :shock:

really Two thumbs up, now get the details tweaked and stuff and this map is gone be ownage

o_stino 07-14-2005 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by CatzEyes93
ugh... my favorite ledge to put my sg on for the flag area is gone. =-( Is it possible to put a new ledge in a diff location for defending the flag? It doesnt have to be the same ole same ole place... but someplace against those walls surrounding the flag pit?

By the way, you have done a WONderful job with this map! It looks very playable and purty. I just worry weather or not I will be able to walk along the paths. Some of those look like I would fall right off the edge! LOL!

nope, exact on the same place, i've just played TFC again and i've noticed that it was missing so ive added it :D


Originally Posted by CatzEyes93
I would think that a new rendering of the map would lend itself to some minor changes. I wouldnt mind having the small stuff missing, but I would like to see that we make sure that we account for some of the needs around the original reason it was there. Example: originally there were to alcoves and a light fixture in that fr area... engies would build there. So if we take any of those out, perhaps be sure to include another alcove or ledge in a similar fashon in about that area. You know... like... put the light on the OTHER side. Or instead of the alcove, put a ledge... ya know?

I don't really know what you mean, (you've used some words that are unkown to me :s)

can you try to say it in an other way?

o_osiris 07-14-2005 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by stino

Originally Posted by CatzEyes93
I would think that a new rendering of the map would lend itself to some minor changes. I wouldnt mind having the small stuff missing, but I would like to see that we make sure that we account for some of the needs around the original reason it was there. Example: originally there were to alcoves and a light fixture in that fr area... engies would build there. So if we take any of those out, perhaps be sure to include another alcove or ledge in a similar fashon in about that area. You know... like... put the light on the OTHER side. Or instead of the alcove, put a ledge... ya know?

I don't really know what you mean, (you've used some words that are unkown to me :s)

can you try to say it in an other way?

By the alcoves he is referring to the small spaces in the upper flagroom for SG's. We want them there. Same with a spiral staircase, I dont like that ladder you placed there :x

o_etzell 07-14-2005 06:20 AM

The ladder would render the incoming O totally useless. They'd be totally dicked coming up that bad boy. Sgs would slaughter, rockets would do worse. That's what the spiral staircase is there for!

o_stino 07-14-2005 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Osiris

Originally Posted by stino

Originally Posted by CatzEyes93
I would think that a new rendering of the map would lend itself to some minor changes. I wouldnt mind having the small stuff missing, but I would like to see that we make sure that we account for some of the needs around the original reason it was there. Example: originally there were to alcoves and a light fixture in that fr area... engies would build there. So if we take any of those out, perhaps be sure to include another alcove or ledge in a similar fashon in about that area. You know... like... put the light on the OTHER side. Or instead of the alcove, put a ledge... ya know?

I don't really know what you mean, (you've used some words that are unkown to me :s)

can you try to say it in an other way?

By the alcoves he is referring to the small spaces in the upper flagroom for SG's. We want them there. Same with a spiral staircase, I dont like that ladder you placed there :x

oh, now i get it, just what i have don now, only the spiral staircase is a bit different. but the two 'alcoves' (one above the hallway to the ressuply and one next to the flag pipe :d)

i've resized the old textures becouse i needed some space at my host :D
1.2 MB > 200 KB :p
Here are the new screenshots :

Staircase (small) (before i've tried the large one)

Sentry spot :D

Large staircase

o_fresh 07-14-2005 01:13 PM

looks brillaint, one minor point i think the jagensess of the big pipe on the big stairs with the warning black/yellow colours looks slightly odd, maybie try making less Jagedness or putting a lip on the egde so it looks more like a structure and not a cut hole

o_qui 07-14-2005 01:19 PM

That really does look ace, well done :)

o_stino 07-14-2005 02:21 PM

hmm, smoothing groups, does enyone knows how those work?

o_darksoul 07-14-2005 03:57 PM

If it's the same in hammer as max, label faces with a number. All those faces with the same number(s) will be smoothed together!

o_etzell 07-14-2005 04:15 PM

IMO, the ladder coming out of the pit is in the entire wrong position. I liked the way it was, where you could climb to the grate that brought you to the base or hide WAY up top.

o_stino 07-14-2005 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Etzell
IMO, the ladder coming out of the pit is in the entire wrong position. I liked the way it was, where you could climb to the grate that brought you to the base or hide WAY up top.

oh yes, the grate that was there. good idea, i'm going to get that back!

but for the moment i need some ideas for the architecture of the front of the base

oh yes, and stuff like this:
i won't bring them back!

and here are some new screens:

o_neoro 07-14-2005 05:58 PM

The canyon in that screen is way too large. There's no upper yard room. It really should be kept to scale with the origional.

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