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GenghisTron 10-14-2009 11:26 AM

Coming back to TFC/FF, looking to help out the community
In the past week I've come back to the TFC/FF community, and I've been playing in pubs everyday for a couple hours, and I've noticed one thing--this game is great, reminds me so much of TFC, and feels much better than the release, but--pubs are just spamfests. I don't know if it's the fact that a lot of TF2 players are coming over to the community, and think DM'ing in the yard is constructive, but

Anyways, my point is, this game is great, but spamfests only serve to piss people off, and turning pub servers into an OvD environment (Think Odin's Graveyard of TFC) with strict OvD rules will turn on more people to competitive game play and not non-noob (TF2) spamfests. If there's someone out there that wishes to make their server a popular FF hangout with good players, PM me or send me your Steam name and we can hook something up. I've made some friends in pubs, and I'm trying to get some of my old TFC friends to come over to FF, and it would be awesome to have an enforced OvD server (Where new-comers are embraced, and helped) with admins on during all hours. I haven't seen too many strictly OvD servers that are full, it's mostly just general servers filled with clueless players. I think we could build up the community if we had veteran and experienced players helping the noobs and giving them guidance.

I've seen some old-school TFC pubbers come into some pubs and they usually leave after a game or two, and don't really say much. I think we can turn this game into the awesome community that TFC had, and it seems that can only happen by helping out the new comers, and not ignoring them. This game has everything TFC didn't, it has TONS of resources for new-comers; there was never a wiki for TFC, there was never developers helping people setup scripts and mods, and all the information you need is on this site--this is the perfect opportunity to make this mod work and become as great as TFC was.

Also, I'm considering returning to league play, since I hear UGC is opening up 4v4, but it depends on the times/days that they play. I'll gladly join a a clan just to join a clan and hangout, and help people out. I play most classes, but my main are Demoman, and I'm a decent Offense, can play Scout/Med. I can also play a decent Spy and Soldier, but not as well as the classes I listed above.

GenghisTron 10-14-2009 11:30 AM

I also ran a successful OvD for about 6 months during 2005? or 2006?, so I have experience in running/admin'ing on servers, and I am pretty efficient at randomly getting games going.

Also, if there's anyone out there that has other suggestions for what I can do to help out the community, send me a PM, I'm looking to do everything I can to help make this mod work out. :)

Dr.Satan 10-14-2009 04:59 PM

The Phat Farm [Clan Style OvD] - connect

go there and help keep it populated. The best OvD server around. If your there long enough and active enough...I'm sure cake will make you an admin eventually.

Paft 10-14-2009 08:10 PM

At least nades aren't nukes like they are in TFC.

GenghisTron 10-14-2009 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Satan (Post 454535)
The Phat Farm [Clan Style OvD] - connect

go there and help keep it populated. The best OvD server around. If your there long enough and active enough...I'm sure cake will make you an admin eventually.

Awesome, just what I was looking for. Also, is the same cake that played in TFC, because I used to play in the same clan as him. :mrgreen:

eomoyaff 10-15-2009 12:10 AM

Honestly, I do enjoy OvD Type servers, but I'd see it a little hard to attract new players to that kind of server, (and I'm referring to new new players. The kind of people who don't even know what TFC is. )

Other then that, look me up on Steam.

(V)0'/@ | Eternal Order

See ya in game, and thanks for joining us :)!


GenghisTron 10-15-2009 12:32 AM

In my past week of playing, I've seen a lot of noobs, but there's also been a lot of noobs that reminded me of myself when I first started playing TFC, a noob that wanted to learn, all these people need is a little push. The thing that got me into league play was playing OvD on classic OvD servers like [GoW]Odin's Graveyard, and playing with the people who were clanning, and the more I played there, the more I learned about how to play this game at an advanced level, and the more I got better, the more people asked me to clan with them, and the more actively I sought out clans.

If the community sets up a solid OvD server that has strictly enforced OvD rules (Remember, the goal is to help noobs, so we can't just kick people for not playing OvD properly, we instead could teach them how to OvD) it would not only be a popular server, but it would be a boon for league play. The more newcomers we turn onto league play, the better the community will become. I'm even willing to start a clan of my own and play strictly with new players, just to turn them onto league play. If it weren't for the fact that I currently don't have a job, I'd buy my own server, but I don't have the money, which is why I'd like to collaborate with a willing server owner, who wants to turn their server into a popular OvD server like Odin's Graveyard was back in TFC, and instead could be focused on helping people and newcomers, rather than turning them away.

There's a lot of TFC old-timers who are great at the game, but they want to live in a bubble. A lot of them are ego maniacs and don't want to play FF because it's easier than TFC. I agree with them that it's easier, and no game will come close to being as good as TFC, but this game has the potential to grow the community and is pretty damn close to TFC. That's what made me fall in love with the TF community, was the fact that the community (Minus a few elitists/ego-maniacs) was absolutely amazing. With FF, I see the chance to start over fresh, meanwhile the people from the TFC community that made it a hostile environment are living in their bubbles and rejecting this game because they'd rather play the same game they've been playing for 10 years because it's a little harder.

Dr.Satan 10-15-2009 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by GenghisTron (Post 454568)
Awesome, just what I was looking for. Also, is the same cake that played in TFC, because I used to play in the same clan as him. :mrgreen:

yes, yes it is...he's around alot in the pickup chan.

MonoXideAtWork 10-15-2009 08:01 AM

Welcome to the community.

Some of us that DM yards aren't noobs. ;)

EquilibriuM 10-15-2009 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by MonoXideAtWork (Post 454616)
Welcome to the community.

Some of us that DM yards aren't noobs. ;)

STFU n00b! :confused:

GenghisTron 10-15-2009 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by MonoXideAtWork (Post 454616)
Welcome to the community.

Some of us that DM yards aren't noobs. ;)

Psh, I know, :lol:

I do it all the time because I can barely make it across the yard without someone sniping me or DM'ing me. Makes me miss good pub servers that promoted OvD atmospheres, and I never really liked pickups because a lot of the people were jackasses that ran pickups.

CHURCHMOUTH 10-15-2009 09:42 PM

sounds like you need a pickup

GenghisTron 10-16-2009 12:35 PM

Yea I was gonna play pickups, but my point is, it would be good to have a good pub server that teaches noobs the finer points of the game. The problem with TFC was that the advanced players in the community kept to themselves, so all the non-advanced players spent most of their time in Neo-TF and 24/7 Well/2fort servers and never learned anything other than how to spam buttons and grenades. If we had an OvD server that was popular, and helped the noobies out, we would be able to grow the community, and have more league-competent teams. As I said earlier, Odins Graveyard turned me into a clanner, if it weren't for that server I would have spent my time doing concmaps and sniping on Drippys 2fort server forever.

There needs to be an appeal to end-game. Look at an MMO like World of Warcraft, the way new players become hooked is by playing the game, and then seeing all the raiders and their raiding guilds run around in shiny armor with nice titles. Previously in TFC, there was no interaction between the noobs and the non-noobs.

This, to me, is the best way to make the community grow. It's great that the Devs are going to get this game advertised in Orange Box, but I played TF2. 99% of the servers are spamfests in the midfield and there's no real competitive edge to it. Something needs to force new players to want to get good, and isolating clanners from noobs is a bad way to do that.

Twilight 10-16-2009 04:18 PM

I am in a similar position where I've recently started playing FF for the first time, although I used to play in the upper tiers of TFC. This has reignited the passion I once had for the game and the competitive scene although I'm somewhat rusty.

I would love to be able to play on clan style servers that were regularly populated (think Burstfire clan owned/community servers if anyone remembers them?). I'm getting tired of playing on pub servers where every CTF map transcends into OvD even with 20 odd players, or just a select few fighting midmap and backtracking.

Ideally I would like to have a sever dedicated to the old CTF maps (and any new ones that are used in leagues) but of course this wouldn't be to everyones tastes. I would even be willing to contribute to the cause if a new server was required but I have no knowledge of how expensive servers are to run or even how to go about getting one.

squeek. 10-16-2009 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Satan (Post 454535)
The Phat Farm [Clan Style OvD] - connect

go there and help keep it populated. The best OvD server around. If your there long enough and active enough...I'm sure cake will make you an admin eventually.


Originally Posted by Dr.Satan (Post 454535)
The Phat Farm [Clan Style OvD] - connect

go there and help keep it populated. The best OvD server around. If your there long enough and active enough...I'm sure cake will make you an admin eventually.


Originally Posted by Dr.Satan (Post 454535)
The Phat Farm [Clan Style OvD] - connect

go there and help keep it populated. The best OvD server around. If your there long enough and active enough...I'm sure cake will make you an admin eventually.

!nF3D4L 10-20-2009 12:51 AM

hey genghis, long time

Dr.Satan 10-20-2009 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by !nF3D4L (Post 455129)
hey genghis, long time

who said you could come out of your hole? :confused:

Ricey 10-20-2009 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.Satan (Post 455156)
who said you could come out of your hole? :confused:

I did, got a problem!

[AE] 82694 10-22-2009 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Ricey (Post 455162)
I did, got a problem!

Nobody talks to my bitch like that.
<<<<< Smacks Ricey. (in that right spot)

!nF3D4L 10-22-2009 08:24 PM

i don't like my hole.. its full of school and other lame such

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