Fortress Forever

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o_diepepsi 04-17-2006 04:03 AM

*WIP* FF_Spit
I made a retardly large step towards finishing the map today. I got 95% of the layout (all but the 2 respawn rooms) put out in flooring.
I also shaped up the sniper nest, roof, pit room, and main hall to "lighting" status. Shaped up the ramp room, and connected basicly everything.

New Totals
Running % towards beta:
Flagroom : 75% (But I am prolly gonna redo it)
RampRoom : 10%
PitRoom(entrance) : 75%
Main Hall : 50%
Respawns : 14%
Battlements and Fortress Face : 63%
Sniper Nest : 94%
Outdoor Arena : 0%
Misc & Connecting Hallways : 62%
Total : 49%.. wow, an estimated 20% today... nice

Orginal TF1 Spit worldcraft view :
Ingame noclip of the remake layout :

I am working on a remake for the map "Spit" by Phon, orginaly for Quake1 Team Fortress.

This map is a standard 2 Base CTF map, that was in the top 5 most played custom maps for Quake World Team Fortress back in the day.

My remake is going to stick to the general layout by Phon, and near the same look to the front of the fortress as the orginal map.

Pictures of the orginal (perhaps to jog your memory lol) can be found here :

Pictures I have up, of my work in progress can be found here:

Mirror cause my free webhost hates me :

I will try to update this every few days (depending on when I work on the map) and if I put off school and work enough, it should be done rather quick at this rate.

Running % towards beta:
Flagroom : 75% (But I am prolly gonna redo it)
RampRoom : 0%
PitRoom(entrance) : 75%
Main Hall : 3%
Respawns : 14%
Battlements and Fortress Face : 33%
Sniper Nest : 34%
Outdoor Arena : 0%
Misc & Connecting Hallways : 32%
Total : 29%

o_tfcog 04-17-2006 04:33 AM

not too shabby, looking forward to the updates!

o_alligator 04-17-2006 04:55 AM

not a big fan of this map but this one looks nice - decent texturing skills / lighting. Keep it up - looking forward on this one :)

o_kam 04-17-2006 04:56 AM
That's a cool pic :)

o_alligator 04-17-2006 04:59 AM

^ yea...really nice on the flagroom. Good job!

o_geokill-----> 04-17-2006 05:36 AM

I really dig the flagroom, can't wait to see more progress on this

o_mj 04-17-2006 06:35 AM

interesting looking...

o_d3pth charge 04-17-2006 07:17 AM

While I like the flagroom, it doesn't really go along with the rest of the map's theme. Also, the fourth shot looks like an inside street... have you thought of making the map an ourdoor theme rather than indoor? With creative brush-use you could keep the accessability the same, but it would make more sense. For instance, it could be themed in a mid 18th-century London, it would totally work. Anyone else see what I mean? All of the first four shots could easily be manipulated a bit to make the theme outdoors, and then all you would have to do is change the flagroom. If i were you, I would save the current flagroom design for another map. Looks great so far though!

o_diepepsi 04-17-2006 08:09 AM

Let me clear some stuff up.

The current thought of "flag room" is not the flag room at all, it is simply a double layer room just inside the entrance of the fort.

In order to keep the look of the original map, the front of the fort cannot be made of brick (such as the first 3 shots.)

So the first half of the map (front to inner) will be a standard cement fort, such as the double layer entrance room seen in 9000. Then I planned to have a transition made of an outdoor area that leads into a warehouse/brick rear section of the map, where the brickwork is focused on.

I understand the differences with the pictures, and that they are two very different themes. I hope I am able to tie them together, as I really love that boiler room lol. But if not, then the map will be turned more into a standard cement fort.

Thanks for the comments everyone, it really helps me to hear others views and thoughts about the map, textures and such.


o_loader 04-17-2006 09:18 AM

404 Error!!!

The internet has been out for a long time now, so why hasn't 404 been found yet?

o_ambex 04-17-2006 10:05 AM

good luck

o_carnifex 04-17-2006 10:05 AM

404 :\

o_docwolfe 04-17-2006 10:55 AM

404 for me too

Circuitous 04-17-2006 11:21 AM

Someone ran out of bandwidth. :D

o_diepepsi 04-17-2006 11:21 AM

hmm, sweet... looks like my free hosting got pwned.

Oh well, like 3 years worth of free webhosting from my ex-employeer is something..


New Link up then :

And they dont let you see the files so...

mervaka 04-17-2006 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by xnarf
While I like the flagroom, it doesn't really go along with the rest of the map's theme. Also, the fourth shot looks like an inside street... have you thought of making the map an ourdoor theme rather than indoor? With creative brush-use you could keep the accessability the same, but it would make more sense. For instance, it could be themed in a mid 18th-century London, it would totally work. Anyone else see what I mean? All of the first four shots could easily be manipulated a bit to make the theme outdoors, and then all you would have to do is change the flagroom. If i were you, I would save the current flagroom design for another map. Looks great so far though!

bang on for me. it all looks good, just your flagroom belongs to another map imo

Circuitous 04-17-2006 12:37 PM

It's an awesome flagroom though.

mervaka 04-17-2006 12:41 PM

im not denying that, i still think its awesome, just very out of place looking at the rest of the shots. then again, who am i to say? my silo map's about as unthemed as you can get. maybe i'll revamp it when i find some time.

Circuitous 04-17-2006 12:42 PM

Yeah, I'm just sayin'.

Maybe if it were, like... this big, bricky warehouse deal was a cover-up for a massive government-funded research project, so the deep interior was all crazy technology and concrete and and monitors and things, but the outside was relatively plain.

o_player 04-17-2006 12:44 PM

Even though it isn't the flagroom...

Looking good so far, keep up the work.

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