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squeek. 12-13-2008 07:20 AM

FF.PL sniper league (sign ups open!)
So, if people actually want this to happen I need a few things:

Preferred team size (1v1, 2v2, etc)?
How many people would be interested?

and finally, I would need someone to admin it (set up schedules, etc).

It's in your hands now. If there is enough consensus on the team size/rules, enough interest, and someone willing to admin, I'll set up a sniper league in a snap.

golfisfun 12-13-2008 07:56 AM

I would like to help out as much as i can for the sniper league. I think this is a awesome idea.

I See Sniped People 12-13-2008 10:04 AM

What kind of maps would we be playing in these leagues? Specially designed sniper ones?

StrYdeR 12-13-2008 11:10 AM

Partial, thad be ur que ;)

[AE] 82694 12-13-2008 02:04 PM


IDK but those are some sniper maps. I have no clue about play or quality.

PartialSchism 12-13-2008 04:47 PM

Don't forget

ff_tehcrates ( not too much for this one, but it's a map )

And I don't think ff_2fort_sniper would work sadly. Can barely see to the other base. You would have to constantly run to mid-map and would probably turn into an AR deathmatch, or crowbars one ;) . And whoever named it that should be shot.

I would like to help out anyway I can. I could only hope for enough interest to get AT LEAST a 2v2 but 1v1 would be O.K.

Hopefully when things slow down after the new year, I can get a server up like I'd been planning to do. Would help to run sniper maps and see who would actually play them ;o

KubeDawg 12-13-2008 05:24 PM

a badass sniper map to have would be sniperwell

Caroline 12-13-2008 07:33 PM


Those are lovely!

I would like to help out anyway I can. I could only hope for enough interest to get AT LEAST a 2v2 but 1v1 would be O.K.

Agree, at least a 2v2!

Hopefully when things slow down after the new year, I can get a server up like I'd been planning to do. Would help to run sniper maps and see who would actually play them ;o

I would ;)

MonoXideAtWork 12-13-2008 07:39 PM

I'm in!


15 min TL

Yard is off limits, anywhere within your base is Fair.

squeek. 12-13-2008 09:12 PM

Don't forget: we could remove the AR through lua if you guys want. We could have a special league gamemode using lua if you think that's necessary as well.

Sign ups are now open for the 2v2 sniper league!

golfisfun 12-13-2008 11:36 PM

im down for whatever. If you need any help for anything im down.

SSCUJO 12-14-2008 12:40 AM

im down although would actualyl prefer a 4v4 or 5v5 to be honest. i find communication and stratagy can really come into play with teams that size... 2v2 seems to much like 'draw one out while i kill it' kind of environment, which seems like a stratagy that would be far to common in that style of play. either way im down for signing up.

squeek. 12-14-2008 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by SSCUJO
im down although would actualyl prefer a 4v4 or 5v5 to be honest. i find communication and stratagy can really come into play with teams that size... 2v2 seems to much like 'draw one out while i kill it' kind of environment, which seems like a stratagy that would be far to common in that style of play. either way im down for signing up.

Everything is still up in the air. If there are enough players for a 4v4/5v5, then we can always switch to a different format.

TheKing 12-19-2008 02:08 AM

I've seen a version of 119snip for FF that's gotta be in there too. I've also seen more than one version of 2fortsniper for FF and one is very dark.. but the other one that I've seen was pretty nice and 2fs has gotta be in there it's a classic.

I know the old sniperleague from TFC was trying to move into FF and they ported a couple of maps over.. the mappack is available at but I've only checked out a couple of 'em

TheKing.20[ . ]-r

StrYdeR 01-18-2009 08:31 AM

What about changing the AR accuracy through lua to more accurately reflect that 2 tfc?

Perhaps adding a time limit between being able to resupply to suppress 1 hit healers?

How bout a plank on partials' map :D

SSCUJO 01-18-2009 11:21 PM

i think for a league like this to be taken completely seriously, the hit detection issues needs to be sorted out. until then, this will be more fun then competitive.

Dinosaur Gas 01-25-2009 06:26 PM

I agree on the hit detection needing to be fixed. I swear it does not register shots that are dead on.

ryu^ 01-25-2009 11:55 PM


Yesterday 07:26 PM Dinosaur Gas

I agree on the hit detection needing to be fixed. I swear it does not register shots that are dead on.
that is because a) as said by aftershok the hitboxes are smaller than in tfc combined with b) source hitboxes being crap.

registration is awful.

caesium 01-26-2009 09:49 AM

so what's going on with this league? i've registered a team and am up for a bit of sniper fun but not too much srsface! :) i need a partner tho! ryu, you know you want to :)

as for the hit registration issue, yeah it blows :/ i've been testing out sniper quite a lot recently, and i've found:

- horizontal reg seems fine (tho a bit miserly) when ppl are moving at or slower than their run speed.
- if players are going faster horizontally than their run speed then you have to lead them horizontally. i've been getting btr at learning how much to lead ppl, but it's all ultimately a guess and this is clearly ghey :(
- vertical reg is always fine.

Rawh 01-26-2009 07:05 PM

Hmm sniper server. Wonder if anyone would like that :P

Try it out at :

Added the maps:

Download directly from reborn or just dl via ingame connect :)
Got any other ideas for maps, tell me!

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