Fortress Forever

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stino 10-01-2007 09:24 AM

full release of ff_flag4sky.
i find the name quite good,
flag = it's ctf
4, yeah 4ctf...
and sky, it's in the sky .

but best of all, the flag is for the sky .. :D most of the time people will get shot of the edge with the flag, leaving it down there and safe untill it gets reset :D

you can download the map here:

map is also running in a mapcycle with badlands beta6 and conc_course_b8 on

and here are some screens:

dylan 10-01-2007 09:40 AM

looks good except for the skybox...

also what's going on here

4 way ctf? who knows.

stino 10-01-2007 09:53 AM

lol yeah forgot to mention it, its indeed 4 way ctf

Lt Llama 10-01-2007 10:15 AM

I love all of it from the screenies. You added player clip so you cant rj or conc diagonally between bases? And how deep is the box below the arena? Looks like a spaceship, an insect. Nice geometry.

stino 10-01-2007 10:37 AM

RJ is impossible :p

you'll need 2 rj's, one to get on the platform and one from the platfrom back and that's really hard since rocket jumping that distance gives you 1 mm space to land on :D

concing works, but the bags dont distribute concs so you have to go in and out with only 3 concs

skybox is eh, as deep as the valve grids allows me, so if you drop a flag down, you won't see it down there :p

Imbrifer 10-01-2007 02:12 PM

This map is super neato. I really like the style and the floatyness. Of course that means it can only have so many players before it starts to lag out like crazy, but not all maps need to be 20-32 player maps :D

Anyhow, took a quick look around and here's what I found:
1. Change the backpacks in each base to be team backpacks. yellow_bigpack, red_bigpack, etc. instead of just bigpack. As it is now, other teams can grab the packs in your base and totally restore their health. This worries me, since I could pipejump from base to base (with about 5 health left), then heal up at that base and pipe jump back.
2. The arches as you leave the spawn/flag area are very low, you can't really jump when you're under them. I didn't know if this was intentional to slow enemies down, but I wanted to bring it up.
3. Some of the walkways seem very narrow. In contrast to most FF maps where players are always flying around at mach 12, it seems like people on ff_flag4sky will be concerned with just not falling off the map.. intentional? or maybe widen some pathways (esp. the lower ones) or even add railing (though itd be ugly)
4. the entire map has grass, except the four circular platforms separate from the rest of the map. Why don't they have grass? Seems strange.

Anyhow, I think its a blast and I look forward to playing it on some FF server, fo' sho'

Way to explore new map themes!

EDIT: oh, and change the name to something unique :P

kam 10-01-2007 02:48 PM

cool, looks very xpress inspired
lighting could match the skybox a bit better
and i agree with imbrifer about the name

Boogieman117 10-01-2007 03:16 PM

looks really good to me!

Mulchman MM 10-01-2007 03:23 PM

Looks awesome.

stino 10-01-2007 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Imbrifer
This map is super neato. I really like the style and the floatyness. Of course that means it can only have so many players before it starts to lag out like crazy, but not all maps need to be 20-32 player maps :D

Anyhow, took a quick look around and here's what I found:
1. Change the backpacks in each base to be team backpacks. yellow_bigpack, red_bigpack, etc. instead of just bigpack. As it is now, other teams can grab the packs in your base and totally restore their health. This worries me, since I could pipejump from base to base (with about 5 health left), then heal up at that base and pipe jump back.
2. The arches as you leave the spawn/flag area are very low, you can't really jump when you're under them. I didn't know if this was intentional to slow enemies down, but I wanted to bring it up.
3. Some of the walkways seem very narrow. In contrast to most FF maps where players are always flying around at mach 12, it seems like people on ff_flag4sky will be concerned with just not falling off the map.. intentional? or maybe widen some pathways (esp. the lower ones) or even add railing (though itd be ugly)
4. the entire map has grass, except the four circular platforms separate from the rest of the map. Why don't they have grass? Seems strange.

Anyhow, I think its a blast and I look forward to playing it on some FF server, fo' sho'

Way to explore new map themes!

EDIT: oh, and change the name to something unique :P

the 4 platforms don't have grass becouse i accidently took the wrong texture :p and they are out of the detail range if your'e on the main platform

backpacks are maybe a good idea, since i just tried and i piped from one base to another :p (ok i dint have any players shooting me of the map, but still :D

Lt Llama 10-01-2007 04:21 PM

Is it possible to change the "The enemy has your flag" message, it's announced whatever team's flag are taken.

It really sucks that the edges of the sky textures are so clearly visible, is there anything you can do about that?

Also sort of slow flag spawns.

This is also kind of lame

very hard to see and protect against on enemy team :D

stino 10-01-2007 04:39 PM

4ctf base lua is used so i either have to rewrite it, or the ff team has to change it :p

and how did you build that sentry over there lol definatly ff bug :p

and eh, the narrow paths are to slow players down, it goes way to fast if you don't have to mind your steps :p
also ,the circular platforms seem to have the same texture, but they don't have grass growing on it :(

sir_frags 10-01-2007 05:24 PM

I like the narrow paths. The geometry looks just fine to me. I love the skybox. I agree with how you did the RJ; don't change it only to make one person happy and you should know no matter what you do, you are never gonna make everyone happy. I don't think you have to have grass everywhere. I like that as you have it now.

A name is just a name, and people arent going to play or not play your map because of the name, but the 4sky thing is a misnomer for sure. Do these give you any ideas:


And you don't have to have "ff" in the name. People will know what game they are playing and that the map is for FF :)

Don't you think you should put some props on the bigger platforms to let attackers/defenders have some cover? They don't have to be huge props. Valve has some neat rock piles that would match your textures just fine.

You gonna put some healthkits evenly in the center somewhere? That's gonna get annoying not being able to heal yourself a little bit when you make it near to center of the map. Maybe cut out 2 of the bags in favor of healthkits?


Desyphur 10-01-2007 05:34 PM

This map is awesome :d

Also, I swear, every map sir_frags talks about he says "You should put some healthpacks somewhere"

stino 10-01-2007 05:45 PM

healtpacks, the packs are all 200 health and 200 armour :p

sir_frags 10-01-2007 06:09 PM

well, i think there's enough armor....u familiar with the healthkits though . . . that's what I was talking about. spread the love evenly to offset a teammate taking a bag and you having to wait or miss one respawning.

So your silenece is a "no" on the props eh? :-P A small stonehenge type deal would look good in the center I think.

TheWetMule 10-01-2007 06:16 PM

I agree, slap something smexy in the middle of the map, such as my face :L (Its on the real life pics thread just on the off chance you take this suggestion seriously.)

StatisticZ 10-01-2007 08:35 PM

Looks great! kind of reminds me of Xpress2k4, Which was a fun map, but made me mad when I got conc'd and flew off the edge.

Lost 10-01-2007 11:53 PM

Sir_frags, the ff_ is in the mapnames so they're easy to find while searching the internet.

-=bingo-bango=- 10-02-2007 01:42 AM

o my god, i love that skybox, the color and the fact that it actually has a sky on the bottom

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