Fortress Forever

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FF|Skyrider 12-22-2007 09:56 AM

Regarding SourceMod Menu's for Modifications.
I'm curious. In order for menu's to work so you can use sourcemod menu's for example ingame rather than usnig the ESC menu. What exactly do you have to add and in which files?

Example of what I am talking about:

This has been added in the mod, yet it doesn't work.. I am still getting the ESC menus when I used the admin menu of sourcemod. Any help out here? I Private Messaged an Coder of Forterss Forever, but after a few days no reply yet. So, perhaps he's busy, or something else. But I cannot wait at the moment, thus I am creating a thread about it.

Anshinritsumai 12-22-2007 01:03 PM

I haven't touched SourceMOD (or any game for that matter) since September, so I can't really help you there, but you've got a better chance of getting a response over at the SourceMOD forums. Sorry bud.

FF|Skyrider 12-22-2007 04:35 PM

Indeed, I'll go ask there.. Heh, I almost forgot about their forums :p.

Mooga 12-24-2007 03:06 PM

You DO know it's a server side mod though, right? :-P

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