Fortress Forever

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master1202 01-12-2008 10:08 PM

why cant i play?
i downloaded ff just now (i have steam) and now when i go to play it by clicking it on my desktop nothing happens and it doesnt show up in my steam games list either do i need something else to be able to play this game?

TheWetMule 01-12-2008 10:26 PM

Do you have the source SDK base downloaded? Need that to play.

master1202 01-12-2008 10:28 PM

well i have alredy downloaded i downloaded 1.11 i think w/o downloading 1.0 or 1.1

master1202 01-12-2008 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by greenday5494
well, did you put the FF folder in your Sorcmods folder, and restart STEAM?

and what are sorc mods if that has anything to do w/ it... and i did restart steam after i downloaded it

Johnny Mullet 01-12-2008 11:39 PM

Fortress Forever is a "Mod" for Halflife 2 or any other Source games like CSS. Do you have a Source SDK game installed? It would show up in Steam in the Tools tab as Source SDK Base.

Everything 01-12-2008 11:43 PM

SourceMods is a folder you have to put most mods in, or they won't show up on Steam. Dun' know how to describe it, just works that way.

master1202 01-13-2008 12:29 AM

well then how to i delete it it doesnt show up in my remove programs thing

TheWetMule 01-13-2008 12:33 AM

Have you even installed it?

master1202 01-13-2008 01:16 AM

well yeah if its sitting on my desk top i have installed it right
??? although it isnt in my start menu but when i deleted the desktop shortcut it said to go to the add / remove programs .. but it wasnt there..

4est 01-13-2008 03:48 AM

If you have a desktop icon, you must have used the .exe installer. If so, did you restart STEAM after the installation?

Plus, like the guys said... check for the SDK.

master1202 01-13-2008 05:15 AM

im trying to delete it now..

TheWetMule 01-13-2008 02:50 PM

Why exactly?

We've tried to help you, if you've gave up trying to install the game (Fault of your own btw, I've seen the whole "Is the SDK base installed?" Question, 3 times now, You still haven't answered it.)

Maybe someone should make a detailed tutorial on how to install the game X.x

BinaryLife 01-13-2008 03:40 PM

A small readme file wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe link the wiki in there?

4est 01-13-2008 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by TheWetMule
Maybe someone should make a detailed tutorial on how to install the game X.x

1. Verify system requirements/SDK requirement.
2. Install the .exe I created

Seeeee how easy that was?


Originally Posted by BinaryLife
A small readme file wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe link the wiki in there?

The "Incense Agreement" links both this site and the Wiki.

-=Roland=- 01-13-2008 03:59 PM

I think he said in the other thread that he only has Steam...NO games.

Everything 01-13-2008 04:40 PM


greenday5494 01-13-2008 07:56 PM

you need at least EP1, it has the SDK Base. you cant get the source engine for free...

own3r 01-16-2008 07:33 PM

I have hl2 original package... works fine, its true sdkbase is based upon ep1 codebase though.

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