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Dr.Satan 02-08-2008 08:35 PM


I fucking hate people that don't / wont vote...pisses me right the fuck off.

I'm a felon and therefor cannot vote, but I still watch and make my judgments. Even though I can't vote. And yet we have people out there that just throw away their vote for no reason. Then you have the same fucking people bitching a year down the road about shit. Either don't vote and shut the fuck up or vote and bitch all you want, but you can't have it both ways!


At the OP...I think you should vote for who you think best represents your ideals, regardless of the predicted / obvious outcome. You have to stick to your guns and vote how you feel...If every person who wanted that person votes FOR them then who knows...they might come out on top. It's that mentality that gets people like Bush elected.

BinaryLife 02-08-2008 08:42 PM



Did you mail a stamp upsidedown or something?

Dr.Satan 02-08-2008 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by BinaryLife


Did you mail a stamp upsidedown or something? used to be a drug dealer. Got arrested for possesion of meth, conspiracy to manufacture, and manufacturing.

That was 3yrs ago. been on sober since and don't plan on going back, but I used to be really bad.

Innoc 02-08-2008 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Satan used to be a drug dealer. Got arrested for possesion of meth, conspiracy to manufacture, and manufacturing.

That was 3yrs ago. been on sober since and don't plan on going back, but I used to be really bad.

Good for you! One of my brothers was on a similar path. He's been sober 5 years now and is a leader within the Salvation Army's recovery program. Congrats on your sobriety.

Dr.Satan 02-08-2008 09:27 PM

Satan's life story!
gonna move this hear so that I don't derail the discussion thread (that just seems funny to me!).

Dr.Satan 02-08-2008 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Innoc
Good for you! One of my brothers was on a similar path. He's been sober 5 years now and is a leader within the Salvation Army's recovery program. Congrats on your sobriety.

TY man...I just wish the fucking courts would think the same way. Been compliant on probation for 3yrs now totally sober no problems what so ever and still they want to extend me for another year b/c they say I didn't complete a stupid class that no one told me to complete.

2000 dollars later and my lawyer is an idiot so had to fire him last week and now I need to find another lawyer by the 19th. From the looks of it, my current decision is either stick out the probation for another year with the hope that they won't find some other bullshit to extend me for (unlikely) or do the time (3 months to 1yr in prison and then 1yr parole) and be done with it all for good...Life is a bitch some times!

Innoc 02-08-2008 10:40 PM

My brother spent nearly 3 years in prison. It took that time to get his attention and the make it clear that his activities that included, but were not limited to, meth were a dead end path. He thought he had found a path to getting his right to vote back but it turns out that under Nevada Law there's nothing short of a pardon that will get him able to reclaim that prior to the waiting period of 5 years. He's pretty close but I think it may not happen soon enough for November...a fact he's pretty upset about...not that any of the choices are stellar...

The thing that I found surprising is that living in the aftermath of addiction is a daily task and a daily challenge. I hope you continue to find the strength each day to keep choosing the right path.

Dr.Satan 02-11-2008 05:54 PM

It is and I do...I spent nearly 6 months in jail 3yrs. ago and that was enough to realize that my lifestyle choices were more then detrimental to my life.

I have made the commitment to stop abusing drugs a long time ago and don't plan on going back, but it is definitely a daily thing. I had to move out of my home town and surrounding area's to avoid the people I knew and I stay away from people generally just to avoid the issue all together.

My only problem now is that after all this time they still want something more from me. I'm hoping to get this resolved w/out prison or at least with little prison time as possible (3months would be fine by me). Because being on probation as opposed to parole is just completely different. Parole I have a MRD (mandatory release date) at which point they have to release me, provided I have been compliant. Probation they can find a plethora of excuses for why I should be kept on probation and it's a never ending cycle.

Thank you for your words, I appreciate hearing it from someone who I don't know helps!

GhostBuster 02-11-2008 06:11 PM

Woah now THATS a life story, gj getting out of that shit! btw: Whats meth exactly? that drug hasnt reached argentina yet.

Vicious 02-11-2008 06:14 PM

I'd keep goin with the proby. Yeah, it can be a bitch, but at least you're (mostly) free.

puppychow 02-11-2008 06:51 PM

are you free from meth or don't do anything now (i.e. booze). just curious how drug addicts view alcohol - if they can or cannot handle it. i.e. for me, in recovery for booze (clean 3 months) i sometimes am tempted to do "light stuff" in my mind, like weed, but i can't as i have to learn how to live sober, regardless of the drug.

BinaryLife 02-11-2008 07:03 PM

I seem to be lucky enough to not feel addiction in the real sense. I've always been curious has to how it feels. Even with cigars and cigarettes I've never in my life felt like I needed one. I don't know where that line is you know?

I can't completely understand how difficult it can be, but I can certainly appreciate it. If one's perception is that they "need" something, it's a hard thing to fight. The body does a good job at being forceful for things it believes that is necessary for it to live.

Good luck to you and congrats on going as far as you have.

Dr.Satan 02-11-2008 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by GhostBuster
Woah now THATS a life story, gj getting out of that shit! btw: Whats meth exactly? that drug hasnt reached argentina yet.

GOOD! The shit is horrible...but um: Best definition I found.


Originally Posted by Vicious
I'd keep goin with the proby. Yeah, it can be a bitch, but at least you're (mostly) free.

True, but I did that for 3yrs. and now they want another year. And I've seen them keep people charged with the same as me for 4 / 5 yrs...on a 3yr. on prob. I still have to pay like 2k in court costs plus classes (about 500/mo)...on parole all that shit goes bye bye b/c I have paid my debt to society.


Originally Posted by puppychow
are you free from meth or don't do anything now (i.e. booze). just curious how drug addicts view alcohol - if they can or cannot handle it. i.e. for me, in recovery for booze (clean 3 months) i sometimes am tempted to do "light stuff" in my mind, like weed, but i can't as i have to learn how to live sober, regardless of the drug

I believe that I am an addict...regardless of the substance. I started smoking weed at age 8 (not joking), my dad, mom, and bother all smoked so I did too. Cigarettes at age 12, coke at age 16, meth at 17, acid / mushrooms and any other drug I could find (ketamine, extacy, etc.) periodically between age 15 and 17. Alcohol I have used since about 14 / 15.

I am an addict I have that personality and I firmly believe that everyone who has that personality is prone to be addicted to anything...I don't think you can just be addicted to marijuana or just addicted to meth. I believe that you are an addict and you will / can potentially be addicted to anything, sex, drugs, coffee, masturbation...whatever.

That said I do still drink sometimes. My thought on it is that as long as I always keep the idea that I am an addict on the forefront of my mind...I can keep myself from slipping into an alcoholic lifestyle. If I stated saying I needed to get drunk every Tuesday (for instance) and I made that my day for drinking...I think eventually that would lead to every tues and fri. and then weekends too etc...But if a friend asks if I want to go have a drink I'm all for it. If I don't need the drink or want it and I don't let it get out of hand then I don't think it will. My family has also gotten better recently (bro, mom, and dad are sober) so they help to keep me in my place...if they saw it becoming a problem they would tell me and I would listen b/c I know how easily I can destroy my life if given the opportunity. I also had a lot of problems as a kid...and I used drugs to mask the emotions and feelings I had. I have since learned of healthy ways to deal with those problems, so I think unless I start using alcohol to mask them again then it is not a problem to have a drink once in a while.

In your case...idk it depends on what control (if any) you feel you can safely allow yourself to have. Marijuana IMO isn't a horrible drug, but as stupid as I thought it was when I was a pot is a gateway drug...your a criminal when you smoke weed and b/c of that your introduced to other criminals. Those people have other addictions and eventually your bound to be offered something may turn it down a few times, but eventually your going to try it (generally, not everyone does, but most do).

puppychow 02-11-2008 07:09 PM

binary - thats awesome..wish i was like that. you know how you've heard of people being genetically predisposed to alcohol or being an alcohol gene etc? it's not really about that - it's an overall addicitive chemistry no matter the substance. those with it have a hard time giving up with our dopeamine being tickled, which all drugs, even cigs do...perhaps you're on the lucky side of the equasion. that being said - anyone can become addicted to anything with enough time, but your some like yourself, it's pretty hard.

puppychow 02-11-2008 07:12 PM

thanks for ur post dr..

Dr.Satan 02-11-2008 07:16 PM

yeah my younger brother is like that binary...he grew up around me and my friends, my older bro and his friends, my mom and dad and their friends...all of us being drug addicts and he just isn't...idk how but he just never got addicted. Odd how that works...

Innoc 02-11-2008 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by GhostBuster
Woah now THATS a life story, gj getting out of that shit! btw: Whats meth exactly? that drug hasnt reached argentina yet.

Meth is Methamphetamine. Here the wikipedia entry on that. It's commonly made from Pseudoephedrine or ehpedrine...the former is a readily available decongestant. As this seems to be worldwide I suspect it's in your home country. I learned, recently that this drug is widely produced in Asia...and here I thought it was pretty much Opium and it's derivatives were the problem there...

Dr.Satan 02-11-2008 07:53 PM

yep...which is why when you try to buy sudafed now days, you have to go to the pharmacy and it's not available in the aisle. Most grocery stores have also instituted a warning that if you attempt to purchase more then 3 or 5 (can't remember anymore lol) boxes of sudafed at once, their register locks up and instructs them to call the police on you.

background checks have recently been implemented as well...myself, for instance, cannot purchase anything that contains ephedrine b/c my background check will come up with a meth conviction.

Innoc 02-11-2008 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Satan
yep...which is why when you try to buy sudafed now days, you have to go to the pharmacy and it's not available in the aisle. Most grocery stores have also instituted a warning that if you attempt to purchase more then 3 or 5 (can't remember anymore lol) boxes of sudafed at once, their register locks up and instructs them to call the police on you.

background checks have recently been implemented as well...myself, for instance, cannot purchase anything that contains ephedrine b/c my background check will come up with a meth conviction.

My brother told me that he saw Stallone on an interview for Rambo IV. During the interview he said that Stallone commented that the country in which he was filiming for the movie that they were the worlds largest producer of Meth. That shocked me to no end. I figured that with the ability to brew it up locally there'd be no reason to do that. If what Stallone said was true....apparently that assumption on my part was in error... :shock:

Dr.Satan 02-11-2008 08:06 PM

yeah...that one got me too...that's the first I heard of it being imported...I always either made it myself or bought it from someone that had. Never heard of shipments of it like you do with X and weed and what not.

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