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~kev~ 03-26-2009 01:00 AM

Webhostingtalk hacked
I just got an email a few minutes ago, Web Hosting Talk was hacked last weekend.

The online backups were deleted by the hacker, and then certain tables were deleted from the database. They had to restore from a backuo that was made 5 months ago.

As a forum owner, I am sad to see a community like WHT taken down by a hacker.

This is the official thread at WHT -


This attack was very deliberate, sophisticated and calculated. The attacker was able to circumvent our security measures and access via an arcane backdoor protected by additional firewall. We are still investigating the situation, but we know the attacker infiltrated and deleted the backups first and then deleted three databases: user/post/thread.

Ihmhi 03-26-2009 03:10 PM

Backing up a site, you should have (at the minimum) your nightlies as well as a monthly off-site backup stored on physical media.

Shadow00Caster 03-26-2009 03:51 PM

That sucks big time. That is one of many reasons even my home shit is backed up in multiple places, home storage, 2 offsite locations at other ends of world and even tape backups in a fire safe.

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