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Dr.Satan 08-11-2009 06:05 PM

ff_alchimy_b1 (8.11.09)


  • Added "O" and "D" spawns:
    • spy, scout, and med spawn in *new* spawn
    • solly, demo, engy, hw, and sniper randomly spawn in either the bats fr or the ramp fr
  • Changed the textures (I hate those other ones :evil:)
  • Yard, waterfall, and bases changed a bit
  • MUCH more signage!!
  • lights, cubemaps, and generally mapping stuffs added
  • *some* geometry changed (but not much)


Honestly don't bother...this is just a stub map to get that god aweful full bright thing gnaa had in circulation out of the way. I will be releasing a _b2 that is gonna be completely redone (see pics in next post).

This is a continuation of ff_gnaalchimy_a3, created by gnaa; for a history of this map, you can view the original thread here(click).

Dr.Satan 08-11-2009 06:08 PM

like I said above, _b1 is just a stub. So here's a sneak preview of _b2, just the fr right now, but I'll post more as I go.

pics here(click)

Also need some people to give me some feedback on how to make this map better. Stuff like "as a ramp solly, it would be nice to be able to see the entrance a bit" or "this is too short/tall/square/long/boxy/whatever!"

I'm debating on whether or not to add a T in the FR (there's one in the pics, but it might not stay) and removing the top rs all together. And some other stuff but we'll see what I come up with.

zE 08-11-2009 06:22 PM

good job, the version with no rad compile sucked hard : , D , now we have a ok version to play in pickups ^^

Dr.Satan 08-11-2009 07:52 PM

ok...well I originally forgot to pak the custom textures I had so I had to take down the link, but in doing that, found a texture (thanks to zE) that is in that should be, so I'll have to recompile stuff. Gotta go for now, but tonight or tomorrow I'll fix and repost the links

Elmo 08-12-2009 12:55 AM

lol Satan always missing his textures ;D

looks great btw

Dr.Satan 08-12-2009 03:44 AM

lol I know...what's even worse is I opened up pakrat and looked and was like "nah it's fine" closed and released...:mad:

Elmo 08-12-2009 11:00 AM

I check things by making everything in ff_dev and then opening the released map files in normal FF to check if I am missing anything - you got no excuse!

Dr.Satan 08-12-2009 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Elmo (Post 446796)
I check things by making everything in ff_dev and then opening the released map files in normal FF to check if I am missing anything - you got no excuse!

lol ye that's how I ended up testing it to see if I was including the right files.

Edit: ok, the files should be good to go now.

gnaa 08-12-2009 09:59 PM

lol dude you used the wrong version of the map xD

err on secon pic you used other verision

gnaa 08-12-2009 10:11 PM

mkay that _b2 where u startet doin lights and made some minor changes, just delete that map the rest of it is epic fail, bad geometrys and urgh it just dosnt fit at all.

continue with _a3 or b1 whad you did with the additional spawn is the right one, got better geometrics and stuff. i
I'd continue on a3

well i restarted after i failed at you b2 and a1 came out....

did i mention that the b2 is unfinished ? airlift dosnt fit with battlements and normal lift

Dr.Satan 08-13-2009 01:25 AM

yeah gnaa...basically I'm gonna take the shaft and the fr that you left (the _b2) and re-do the rest of the map from scratch. I already pieced some stuff in there from other files you had and added some other things that I made. And the geometry of the whole map is definitely gonna change a bit, like I plan on removing the bats resup and making the top fr entrance a T and stuff like that. So even if I were to continue with the _b1 that I put out...I would have to redo the whole map anyway, but I liked what you did with the shaft and the FR looked nice, so I deleted the rest of the map you had and started going from there.

I think that's my biggest problem with most ports of TFC maps is that they end up very boxy and just plain looking, maybe b/c the mapper is worried changing it will offend the original mapper or they don't wanna break the map or whatever is the case, I notice most mappers tend to play it safe. Whereas maps like ff_stowaway2 or ff_torch2 really show off how we can change things up in FF and make things look and play better. So while the map is gonna keep the basic alchimy feel, I'm gonna change up the geometry some and make it look nicer, with better textures and more rounded corners and just whatever I come up with lol.

I did look through all of the files you left me and I'm essentially planning on taking anything that is salvageable and applying it to something, but your probably not gonna recognize much of what I put out aside from the _b1, that like I said was just to get the _a3 full bright version off of servers. And ofc like phantom and stuff that's pretty much finished anyway.

Dr.Satan 08-14-2009 05:04 PM

Just putting this here so I don't forget / loose it.


10:56 AM - Dr.Satan: what now?
10:57 AM - Dr.Satan: you pm'd me about alchimy?
10:58 AM - oTTo: yea
10:59 AM - Dr.Satan: I missed what you the texture is it on the pipe?
10:59 AM - oTTo: yea
10:59 AM - oTTo: and top entrance is dark .
10:59 AM - Dr.Satan: hm...thought I fixed that. The texture.
11:00 AM - Dr.Satan: I know its dark...I kinda like dark maps, but is it too dark then?
11:00 AM - oTTo: some ppl said dark..
11:00 AM - Dr.Satan: kk
11:00 AM - oTTo: and
11:00 AM - oTTo: pls dont change ramps in flagroom
11:01 AM - oTTo: new ramps is easy to steal flag imo
11:01 AM - Dr.Satan: which new ramps? the ones in _b1
11:01 AM - oTTo: b2
11:01 AM - Dr.Satan: oh...those aren't final...there will be something around them
11:02 AM - Dr.Satan: also with the T it's gonna be easier to defend fr I think so might want easier ramps
11:02 AM - oTTo: ok just relase new version and we test it.
11:02 AM - oTTo: after we can talk .
11:02 AM - oTTo: thx for listening me.

oTTo 08-14-2009 05:10 PM

Perfect language.
u are shaming me :D

Dr.Satan 08-14-2009 05:12 PM

lol your English is fine

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