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Old 04-26-2006, 10:46 AM   #10
o_nezumi's Avatar
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Don: Yea, good idea. I hope that FF will allow us to change the map based on player numbers (Like allowing more/less snipers in hunted). Closing off a base with no players in it would be wise.

I'm not sure why full vis takes so long. The only really big (or complete) map I've done a full vis on was tiger and that took about a day and a half for a full vis instead of an hour and a half for full lighting, so I'm estimating on 4tron. I'm using hints, areaportals, details, func_brushes, nodraw and all that. My computer is a 2.4 ghz processor with 2 gigs of ram. How long do other peoples maps take to compile?

I kinda agree about the textures though.
But like I say, placeholders!

And I'm hoping that stealing flags from people outside the base will add interest. The bases are necessarily small though. Like you pointed out the framerate is pretty low and on top of that I've used the max number of brushes. You get kinda cramped on all sorts of engine limits with 4 bases.
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