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Old 06-10-2007, 06:28 AM   #76
Religious Stamp Machine
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Donny: You're doin solid so far. Here are some recommendations:

I like the environment, atmosphere and theme you have going on. Will be quite unique.
1. Add some varied height to your desert areas.
2. The rocks are built well, but considering adding smaller rocks in front of the walls to make it appear realistic. This tutorial says/shows it very well, and its very simple & quick.
3. Don't worry too much about the bushes - there are models for shrubs and grasses in FF that you'll be able to use once its out!
4. Break up wide open areas with bits of cover. Height and depth also make it more exciting - add a dried up river bed, or some rocks, or perhaps a short cliff or a decaying shack. While it is true that you dont want to put shiat in peoples way in FF, open areas are boring and deadly. Look at all the popular maps - every one has some sort of obstructions/cover for their midfield to make it more interesting.

Good work on the buildings so far. Lots of mappers seem to have trouble making decent looking buildings, but you seem to have grabbed on to the art of making buildings with dimension that look interesting. Especially the one on the right. Keep playing with some of the architecture. Some roofs look weird - you want to add some trim to them, since most roofs are built like this and have trim that looks like this. This is something many mappers (even the maker of dustbowl ) frequently overlook. It adds excellent dimension to your buildings and makes the map look much more professional. If you harken back to just about any quality map you know (de_cbble and cs_italy come to mind) youll notice that their roofs have trim like the above real examples.
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