Thread: Sniper
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Old 09-17-2007, 12:03 AM   #1
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So far I really like FF, of course there are bugs to be fixed, things to be touched up, but that is expected. Overall I'm not dissapointed by any means, I know a lot of hard (long) work went into it, and it does show. But it seems to me that there is just something not right with the sniper..

Maybe it is just me, and being used to Q3F/ETF, but the sniper seems very poor in FF. Now I know I don't have the best aim anymore, but I also know it's not that bad. Plenty of times I aim right at someone's chest, who is standing still, and it misses completely. I know in the "known bugs" thread, it lists that some weapons don't always hit where the cross hair is, but is the sniper rifle included?

I've waited a long time for FF, since around the time is was announced, and I'm fairly upset at sniper It also seems not to be very powerful, I understand (and like) the charge, but sometimes I need to shoot a demoman or soldier 3, 4, or sometimes 5 times to kill him. I think that is a bit extreme.

Again, maybe it's just me, having played Q3F/ETF for many years and being so used to that, but I think the sniper is next to useless as it is.
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