Thread: Sniper
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Old 09-18-2007, 12:35 AM   #19
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Originally Posted by Blitzkrieg-AA-
The one change I would make in regards to the sniper is to lower the charge time and/or increase the damage done by uncharged shots.

i'd agree, i've shot a soldier nearly 6 times i'd say and he finally died, yes they were uncharged but thats ridiculous considering how hard it is to get a headshot on a moving target. btw what i'm agreeing to would be the increase in damage done by uncharged shots

for those of us that are more familiar w/ the quake (id software) based TF games you have to remember that valve has some lag prediction methods put in place that made sniping in the original TFC a bit weird for me for a good bit. just takes some target practice, i love shooting demomen flying through the air and soldiers, eventually i became able to get medics and scouts conc jumping (they're faster ) but not a guaranteed kill sometimes. if you think sniping is weird in TFC or FF it might be because of the lag prediction that valve has in place which like i said made it weird for me to get used to, but its completely doable.
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