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Old 09-18-2007, 11:50 AM   #6
[AE] 0112 Ihmhi *SJB
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Originally Posted by Matheis

FF devs

-please fix sniper rifle make it alot more like TFC's. For one thing the aimer is not good the red dot is to small.

-Also the accurecy needs to be fixed it is way off and I am not a bad sniper.
Yeah, the accuracy is a bit iffy at times. I am sure one of the devs can come in here and say some stuff about internets or code or whatever and explain it.

Originally Posted by Matheis
-Please give scout more health in my view it is to weak. I know this is a remake of TFC but I really think we can spice this class up a bit more.

-if it can't detect spies please fix it so it can.
Scout can indeed uncover a disguised or a cloaked Spy. And before anyone asks, yes he can still disable detpacks.

Originally Posted by Matheis
-Please fix the demo man the explosives are to faulty they don't land fast enough or they never land where I want them to especilly the pipe ones.
The pipes are different than TFC, I will agree with that...

Originally Posted by Matheis
-please make the timer on the pyro's flame last longer. Some say pyro is way over powered I dis-agree I still think overall its still pretty weak. Allthough not as weak as TFC's I believe the timer needs to be a bit longer. And I really like FF's pyro more then TF 2's if that makes you feel better
The Pyro's main advantage is in stacking the burn damage via the three weapons, but admittedly this is at a fault on maps where he does not have the napalm nade (like ff_push).

Originally Posted by Matheis
-please port some of the original TFC maps to FF's engine I miss TFC's 2forts. I do not like the FF version of 2fort this whole "green team" thing throws me off alot.

thank you

As mervaka stated, that is NOT a remake of 2fort - it is a remake of 2morfort, one of the better intepretations of 2fort that was in TFC.

I understand how the community wants to see a lot of the TFC maps ported, and trust me when I say that the devs and the community are working on this. epicenter, openfire, 2fort, flagrun, and many other favorites are in the works. (And before anyone asks, no, neither I nor any of the beta testers have seen the dev's intepretation of 2fort.) They will make it out in time.

Thanks for your support and your suggestions - the devs always take them under consideration, but ultimately they will do what is best for the game, not just what the community wants.
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