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Old 09-19-2007, 07:38 PM   #7
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Walmart is retail, retailers don't pay their employees that much. Walmart is no different.

I was at Circuit City and all of us rarely got any raises and were constistantly required to work longer and harder without getting raises. Shortly after I quit they lower their pay cap and asked anyone who was over it to take the new, lower pay or leave. It hit big news a while back.

The goal of any company is to maximize profit, and minimize cost. The goal of any employee is to maximize payout and minimize effort. An equilibrium is met. People wouldn't work at Walmart if they thought they were getting a raw deal, they would go someplace else. They offer cheap benefits and money to people willing to stand around for 8 hours a day and essentially do nothing but take crap from ignorant customers.

It's not pretty, but it's not evil or malicious either.
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