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Old 09-21-2007, 06:11 AM   #362
in-game as Dr.Ainpipe
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Yes, i get it. TF2 is fun. And visually impressive. Thanks for reminding me, because i forgot how visual eye candy tends to add to the gameplay mechanics. I wish tf2 players would remind me how visually impressive tf2 is and how "tactical teamplay" is important to team fortress type games, every other post, in the FF forum because i seem to forget every 10 seconds, and oh gosh, the steam forum is just never working for me, when i wish i could just bath in comments on how visually impressive tf2 is, and just how fun, and how it was well worth the 45 usd bargain.

And why not also remind me that the incredible "just the right pace" of the sluggish tf2 will ultimately lead the non-biased-game-media to declare tf2 as the "fun" and "good" and "visually impressive" game of year/century/millenium, especially because its game style is most similar to dods than Tf, but to which they, the non-sell-out game reviews will never admit to because they're "honest reviews."

But what's depth of gameplay when you get eye candy? Gameplay is not fun. Being told by valve that the game is fun - now that's how you know its fun. Because Valve said so. Depth and learning curves for gameplay is for suckers. It's all about taking nuances and intracacies out, because who wants to learn those?

I mean, who reads a book because of good character development, or the various philosophic or moral values that the authors try to get across. No, you must books because the covers are awsome. You can always judge a book by it's cover, my teacher used to say. And movies, who rates movies because depth of the plot or the value of its artistic styles? No one. You only give good ratings to movies that has sub par plot, or when something like a documentary has been directed as a chick flick. Because chick flick interpretation to documentaries are revolutionary. And documentaries should be willing to change into a chick flick, if there is a demand for change by the mass.

Less = more. Less options = more fun. More visuals = more gameplay. Less gameplay = more fun. Less speed = more gamplay. More gameplay = less fun. That's how real logic works. Valve said so, right at the same time they said that HL2 and ep1 is also FREE and that 50(though currently 45) usd for three games, 1 multiplayer and 2 singlplayer, is a bargain, except the black box which had those three games and was going to be 40 bucks, but not the FREE HL2 and Ep1.

And lets not forget, tf2 is visually impressive. Because that's what makes teamplay work, is the visual effects. Which by the way should ALWAYS be the main goal of any FPS game...fps without enforcing teamplay, and without punishing those who go solo flag hunting, is not fps gaming. Because by definition, FPS games MUST include tactical teamwork, to infiltrate and subvert. By the way did i mention that tf2 is visually impressive?

I just don't know what I would do if tf2 fans didn't happen to go out of their way to post how much they love tf2 in a FF forum and try to convince people like me who WANT TO BE CONVINCED that tf2 is a very good HISTORICALLY FOTRESS type game, instead of a remake of valves most played(hence most lucrative) games, CS, CSS, CZ, DOD, and DODS, even though the EVIDENCE suggests that tf2 might be DIFFERENT sort of "good game", that has very very very very very very very little to do with historically fortress type of games... I'm so glad that valve has not only overcharged their customers, but had also the support from fans they're going to screw over in the future, when they come out with TF3 and all the classes end up with guns from the vietnam war, and add the realistic aspect of not respawning, until round restarts.

Thanks valve. And thanks tf2 fan guys who insist that they love both games, but but would rather promote tf2 in FF forum, instead of helping the FF mod by suggesting ideas for improving visuals and helping to point out bugs and and suggest tweaks that could improve the gameplay further along. If it weren't for you guys, i might have missed the fact that tf2 is visually impressive. And that tactical teamplay that enforces the uniquness of each class is what defines a TF game.

This has to be a twighlight zone episode. It just has to be. It doesn't make sense otherwise. This is somekind of "The Outer Limits" episode. It must be.
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