Thread: ff_badlands
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Old 09-23-2007, 07:07 AM   #1008
Join Date: Mar 2007
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also, things i have in mind:
1. flag exit elevator only from flagpit to alternative flag exit, no connection with tunnel. *done*
2. doors at the end of rocktunnel to prevent rockets destroying SG guns *done*
3. moving the spawn turrets to a place where they can reach the whole resupply *done
4. clip brush at the top of the cliffs (no concing over the cliffs ) *done*
5. maybe allowing nades/rockets to fly over the cliffs *abandonned idea*
6. a few aesthetic changes
7. activating the sniper spawn room if possible *done*
8. updating bags to contain right contents *done*
9. get the flythrough working
10. get map overview, POI and loadingscreen *loadingscreen done*.
11. spawn pit ladders *done*
12. fixing bugged ladders *done*
13. fixing other bugs i might receive from playtesters

so i think i'm good to release another playtest becouse i have no idea what else i can change, becouse the flythrough is quite hard to understand how to do.

so beta 6 will be a fully playable version!

and if someone makes post like this, i'd like to receive the same text in your own language please

Originally Posted by barronofhellion
well i plaied badlands beta 5 lastnight and i have to say the element of the general areas are great and kept in tact.. however i personaly dont like the ramp over the flag room area, maybe it was just for the fact that the ladder was not working, i probably would like it better had it been working... and didnt get used to how the floor was droping in the flag room, and lost a flag carrier kill because of it , wich i bet the flag carrier was happy because i was pissed lol... but other then that its shaping up good...

Last edited by stino; 09-23-2007 at 07:14 AM.
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