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Old 09-25-2007, 12:52 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by SizeableSSonic
Went out to see it with Rifle yesterday. Absolutely awesome.

For those who don't know, it's a musical (like Chicago) about a guy who comes to the US from Liverpool to find his father, and ends up becoming friends with a guy, and falls in love with his sister. It's set during the 60's, and is narrated entirely in covers of Beatle's songs.

The story was fantastic, the music was extremely faithful, the dancing was wonderfully done, and in the end, it is easily the best movie of the year.

So go and see it, now! Seriously, its that good. 10/10.
So as of yet throughout this post, we've learned that Sizable's current love intrest is Rifle, likes to expand on the concept of a "musical".. oh and he might have said something too. Anything I'm missing?
*No offense, just throwing around some useless jokes.
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