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Old 09-26-2007, 04:42 PM   #41
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Originally Posted by omgpewpewlazerzz
Why did he not build it near supplies? It takes you less than a second to get supplies for your sg if you build it in a good place. Not to mention, there's usually another person defending the sg.
You can't always have a sentry gun in an optimal firing position and near supplies. If you build a sentry gun near the flag in well, you have no choice but to visit the attic for supplies. If you build it near the attic elevator, it'll be even easier to sabotage it.

Yes, there could be another defender, but I already explained how it's possible to get past him.

Why wouldn't that soldier have shot at the engineer to see if he was a spy or not? It would've cost him nothing. That means the soldier was a bad player. Do you understand the point now? If he had shot at the engineer, he would've found out it was a spy and would've destroyed him with another rocket.

I don't see how this is hard to understand.
He didn't shoot me, I got through and I sabotaged the sentry gun for massive damage. I don't see how that is hard to understand. The point I was trying to make is that he believed I was the same engineer who just left the area. He didn't feel any need to spy check me (even with friendly fire off) because he was convinced I was friendly.
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