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Old 09-26-2007, 07:57 PM   #55
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Originally Posted by omgpewpewlazerzz
Or facing people who do not even know what a spy is.
Or maybe I just know how to fool people.

That or you're trolling.
Yes, I'm trolling because I don't wait for the dev team to bail me out when I'm having problems. That must be it.

Originally Posted by v3rtigo
My solution is simple: FOV 150 + sidestabbing + lots of practice and you stand a fair chance against most defenses. But since that is unlikely to happen, something will have to replace it. Since currently the most obvious way to check for spies is the grunt noise, a solution will probably have to be found there.
How would sidestabbing allow you to get past defenses?

Oh and lollerskates, there is no way in hell you will get past a decent defense if they have been set up properly and are composed of 'good' players. Pubs don't count because everything is a huge mess and everybody is doing whatever they please. If you're so sure you're right, please feel free to post a demo or something so you can convince us.
Pubs do count, clan matches don't. I already said that spying is a fool's errand in clan matches.
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