Thread: Already dead?
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Old 09-28-2007, 02:16 AM   #42
Retired FF Staff
Join Date: Mar 2007
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I find the content of FF's promotional videos to be quite disappointing. Gameplay videos are not the type of thing you should use to get people into this mod.

Why did I play TFC?
LD2 and Trent's "Team Fortress Classic" were a big part of the decision (yes, I know I'm fairly new to TFC). Seeing the available skillset and drove me to work towards playing and competing in a similar manner. The depth of this game is something to be proud of and should be exemplified in any proposed marketing strategy.

The videos accompanying the initial release are nothing special to an outsider. Did you see anything particularly remarkable about this mod other than the fact that it looks pretty good? Where is the concing, the crazy spy stabs and airshots? That's the kind of thing that should be focused on imo. And please, in third person!
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