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Old 10-13-2007, 09:39 PM   #6
The "other" white meat....
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Tulsa, Ok
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I understand about losing a grandma, lost two in the same year(one step and the other from my moms side) . I was attending college When my Grandma (Step dads mom) passed away due to an anurizm(however you spell it) was hard as hell when they were keeping her on life support before making the call to pull the plug, wrost decission as a family we had to make, she was a great woman loving and made all the grandkids blankets for thier birthday, i now passed the ones she made for me to my son to use. One of my other grandmas passed away later on, i feel like she just gave up. Been going down hill sense her house caught fire 10 years prior. For the longest she didnt smile so looked like she had a constant frown, always tried to brighten her day when i was visiting. Hard for her to laugh but she enjoyed it. So hard seeing her go through pain and not wanting to take care of herself. I wish there was something icould have done, and maybe she would have gained more years. But i know shes not suffering anymore. This happend between years '02-'03. Yes it still hurts but i try not to focus on why they had to leave or challeng a higher power as to why it had to happen. Used to be angry at the world and my grades did suffer at the time. Now just hurts not so much and i still miss them so mucha nd love, but theni think if i were to pass i wouldnt want someone dwelling on me, and like someone suggested before, just be happy for what i offered in life and the time that was spent.

One thing i realized is never know when you are going to go. Had a situated between my real dad and his mom so havnt spoken to my grandma(real dads mom) in years before my second grandma passing. Realized that if she were to go and i missed a chance to reconsile with her, iw ould hate myself. For one i didnt remember what the fight was about. So called till i could remember her number. Was an amazing time. Talked for a few hours. Glad too becuase i wanted her to be apart of my sons life. Lot of things i regret, like not able to spend enough time with my passed grandmas because i was too far away, so i blamed myself for the longest. But i dont anymore. its going to be tuff, but will get easier, try not to hold on too hard because easy to turn bitter.

i no there wasnt a definate answer how to deal with it, it is a complex situation and with emotions there isnt a perfect answer because people are different and unique, so what i went through doesnt mean youll go through it too. but it helps to know that there are people who care.
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