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Old 10-22-2007, 03:39 PM   #16
in-game as Dr.Ainpipe
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Originally Posted by gizmofo
*For those who know some about the bible:
When Jesus was at the cross, a man by the name St. Lawrence begged him for forgiveness. His sin was that of judgement..
If they truly believed in "god's words" then they wouldn't do this.
Hell, an atheist argument would be that that's just disrespectful.
Yea. The "God hates fag" groups are labeled as a cult, by southern baptists. So no matter how much they say self-proclaim themselves as christians, the real christian groups condemn their philosphy as diametrically opposed to the gospel of repentance and baptism preached by the Lord Jesus Christ according to the bible.

And you know, since they claim to be christian, one would think that they're willing to hear admonition from other christians, and consider it. But they usually attack other christian groups of being "lukewarm," "secularized" and "desensitized." Which is ironic becuase they're picketting funerals for dead soldiers, instead of contacting their congressmen and reps to get the soldiers that are still alive, back home.
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