Thread: A few newb ?'s
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Old 10-31-2007, 02:51 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Dr.Satan
Ok I know these are newb ?’s and please feel free to just link me to any appropriate tutorials for my answer’s, but I tried searching and nothing really answered my question.
Don't worry. Sometimes you just don't know what to search for.
Originally Posted by Dr.Satan
First off Lighting…I’m really confused about lighting. Am I supposed to use light_spot with env_sprites and a prop_static? Or just an env_sun and env_sprite? Or both or what the hell! I understand how a light_spot works and how to make one and how to make it look real w/the sprite and prop, but my problem is I see me ending up with like a million light_spots to get my map to be fully lit…is that just how it’s done is with tons of light_spots / sprites and one env_sun / sprite? Mainly what confuses me is that I see all of these maps that seem to be lit all thru, but when I try to do it on a test map the majority of my map is dark and only specific parts are bright. I think I’m just not using enough light_spots but idk…
start here: . Env_sun is just a sprite effect that puts a shiny sun blob in your sky. It doesn't light up the map. light_environment is what you use to make sunlight. This will cause light to come out of any toolsskybox brush in your map. For indoor areas, yes, you have to put lights and light_spots everywhere. If you make them bright enough the light will bounce around and you won't have to make millions of them.
Also does anyone know where (if possible) I can get more world models / make my own? b/c I have specific ideas for the lights I want, but the models I currently have just don’t cut it…
Making your own models is a whole seperate skill set than mapping and with different software. If you try to learn both at once you will go insane. If it's not too small and intricate you can make it in Hammer, though models are always better.

There may be some sites around that have models for download. You'll have to do some searching. I have been known to make simple models for people but I haven't had so much free time lately. If you really really need something made PM me and we'll see.
Finally how is it that you can build the map beyond where the player can go? Like in hunted there are buildings and a road that you can’t get to…I’m assuming it’s just done with a transparent brush so you can see thru it, but can’t pass through it…is this correct?
It's a brush textured with toolsplayerclip. Everything passes through it except players. There are several tool textures like this that have special effects: Playerclip is very useful for when you don't want the player getting where you don't want them to go..
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