Thread: A few newb ?'s
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Old 11-05-2007, 09:12 PM   #14
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Ok I have another ?...

I am trying to make a FR with ramp entrances that start at say North wall on either side

ONE on E side of N wall


ONE on W side of N wall

Both are seperate ramps that cirle around to S side of wall and lead to the middle of the FR

Problem is I can only seem to create an arch that circles there a way to make one the opposite?

Here's a really crappy visual...


Black = I can do / have done

Red = What I want to do...

SO is there a way to get the arch tool to create spiral steps that go the opposite way? So instead of it being a clockwise's counter clockwise?

Another crappy visual...

Black = I can do / it always does

Red = What I want / Can't get it to do

Things I have tried...

1) Flipping it on every axis
  • x
  • y
  • and z

2) Creating just a 180 degree arch (gives me the same thing...still spirals down clockwise)

3) Changing the starting degree to anything (maybe I missed a few?)

4) Using negative values for the arch (hammer won't let me defaults to a positive everytime)

My final attempt will be to create a 180 degree arch and then use the vertex manipulation to line up each vertex on the counter clockwise side to match up with the clockwise side and then make the ramp...This I see taking a very long time...Is it the only way or is there like a mappers secret way for making one?

*Please don't mistake this as me asking how i create a spiral ramp / stair...I get that part (thanks to the guys here) what i'm now hung up on is why the arch tool decides to always make the spiral spin in a clockwise direction...

Also sry bout the crappy explination / visuals...i'm at work or I would just post hammer pics...
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