Thread: FF ISN'T TFC
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Old 11-17-2007, 06:24 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by 82694
Personally I really enjoy fucking with people telling this and that just to piss them off. But those of us who frequent these forums and post regularly are actually representing the FF community. So even I have toned shit down became more noob friendly and instead of telling people to take it the way it is or get the fuck on down the road. Try to help them understand a bit better and maybe ask them not to bash the mod if it's not what they want or make constructive posts in the Idea and Suggestions forum. People read posts like this and just go fuck this guy he's an idiot. I should know because until I changed my posting style thats how I was treated. We all need to help the less knowing if we want FF game community to grow.

I agree with being noob friendly, we need noobs. But there's a difference between being noob and being ignorant. I really don't think that some of the people who post crap like this are noobs, just frustrated fan boy's who aren't getting what they want. The community since release has been a revolving door of people playing and leaving, posting constructively and destructively. Constructive criticism is one thing, I've seen some really constructive posts that didn't necessarily agree with some of the aspects of the game, but I've also seen some pretty "OMG WHAT DID YOU DO?! YOU CHANGED A 10 YEAR OLD GAME INTO SOMETHING DIFFERENT?!!!111oneone" posts.

I think people don't understand that this game wasn't made to be TFC:S. It's FF. Made by an unpaid, under-appreciated Dev team, for the abandoned masses. This game is free, it has more potential than any mod I've had the pleasure of playing, and to show your ass on the forums because it's different, isn't helping anyone.
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