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Old 03-16-2008, 09:30 PM   #5
Ray Ray Johnson
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My thoughts are that "an easy problem to fix" is an understatement. What you're talking about with making players tell the server how that player killed another player in order to match things up better or something...that seems like an overly complex way of doing it, because the kill/death/event systems would need to be reworked. And for not much benefit or reliability, to be honest. It sounds like it'd almost be like going from server-client to some kind of peer-to-peer + server-client hybrid. You really can't rely a client to inform the server about something as important as how a player died. The server figures that stuff out...and most of the time, the clients have no idea what's really going on other than what they're predicting.

But we talked about basically anchoring a feigned ragdoll to an object, whether that'd be the torso, the player, or some new object. That'd probably be the way to go if we did do it, but I don't know if we'll ever add feigning back in.

Cause what would be the point of all that now? I think FF cloaking is way better than TFC feigning. Especially FF's cloak+ragdoll. You can essentially feign like in TFC, but keep walking around cloaked.

So the idea would be to get rid of cloaking and go back to feigning? Or add feigning to the spy's already powerful feature set?
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