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Old 03-17-2008, 02:04 AM   #15
A Very Sound Guy!
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its been discussed to death before, and i cant be bothered to trapse through the plagueland of buried threads to dig it up.

the jist of it was, if you wanted to do it properly and sync every bone movement up, it took up shitloads of network bandwidth. anything less and it will be a shoddy implementation, either because it looks shit, or things just dont line up.

cloak repalces feign so that the ragdoll corpse DOESNT MATTER in terms of where it lands. FF uses client side corpses. if you had one server controlled corpse among a zillion client ones, you can tell it a mile off, therefore you have to have all the corpse calculation done on the server.... etc

10 bonus points if you can describe FF's theme without using the word futuristickey.....ish
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