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Old 03-18-2008, 02:49 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by Player
Amongst experienced players, aiming isn't exactly the problem
No, it is the problem. If you miss, you're sunk. If you're firing a round a second, or even a half-second, you missing means you've missed your chance. It's completely an aiming thing.

The speed of the game dictates a small margin of error. Things with an area of effect lessen the margin of error by large amounts. The simple fact that it is much easier to hit somebody with a rocket in a closed environment than it is to hit somebody in an open environment with a single round is reason enough to always use a soldier over a sniper.

An equally skilled soldier will kill more people, and waste more of the enemies time than an equally skilled sniper. This automatically makes the soldier a better choice 100% of the time.

I mean, even Paulbunyan didn't use sniper in clan matches. There is a reason for that.
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