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Old 03-18-2008, 11:08 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Jiggles
Because how the ragdoll moves is determined by the physics simulation. The more the ragdoll is "simplified" (down to a single point), the less it will behave like a real ragdoll. For example, say the "center point" of the ragdoll is resting on a ledge, but the doll's leg or arm or head is nudged. The whole point of the ragdoll simulation is that that nudge can shift the weight of the doll such that it moves realistically -- the arm getting moved in turn moves the shoulder, which in turn moves the torso, etc. This can result in the ragdoll tumbling off the ledge, which would be a drastically different position.

Putting in weird limitations can help (like the arms can't move the torso), but it would ultimately result in less believable ragdolls. Blasting ragdolls across the map with a rocket is just plain fun.
May I point out however that halflife 2 ragdolls are done rather over the top and are pretty unrealistic to begin with.

No one really answered my post about syncing this only a few times per second rather than at every update (30-60 times/sec).
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