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Old 04-27-2008, 04:52 AM   #8060
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Originally Posted by greenday5494
saying sexy, saying fagl (which is a typo from flag), and noob are all totally different things from the N word.

oh, and anyone who think people are actually trying to get rid of FF besides one group which i will not speak of, is really retarded. just because someone isnt on the forums doesnt mean that they are trying to get rid of FF.

"Spy sapping mah FF!"

oh, and reaper, to the question you asked why i'm pissed at the FF community, i think this thread speaks for itself.
There are select moments in this community when your just like "What the fuck is wrong with you people?" But you have to understand, that different people come from different backrounds. they have different views, and beliefs. But seriously, because the o-t server has strict policy, and you got banned there, and your pissed at them, doesnt mean you take it out on the FF community, nor do you take it out on the server, just dont play there dude.
thats what forums are great for, you can add your opinion, and construct a debate from there. I for one disagree with this saboteur thing, it seems unrealistic. Again, people are hypocritical, but thats extremist.
All in all greenday, you have to be willing to give people a chance, even if they dont give you one. Its what separates the good people from the bad, and the intellectuals from the outright dumbasses.
I can vouch for o-t, ive played there a LONG time, i think well over 3 years, and its great, they are a friendly, easy to get along with, fun loving group of people, especially the other peeps that regular their community as i have.
You dont have to swear to have a good time.

Whats with all this FF is dead bullshit?
Mod isnt dead.
Why dont we stfu about OMG FF IS DEAD and start embracing the fact that we have a great community of players and an even better mod.
This community is better than most ive seen, yea, it has drama, but shit, thats everywhere you go.
FF Forums is kinda like a small southern town. Always say hi to each other when we see each other in game, and welcome anyone with open arms.
Its not the player base thats killing us, its this shit about how the mod is dead that is.

BTW scuzz, could i see that log for my ID?
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