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Old 08-05-2008, 08:36 PM   #12
Join Date: Jan 2008
Class/Position: Demo O and D
Gametype: Pub
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Maybe im not completely understanding your point but let me see if I can grasp it. Basically you are saying that the downfall of the entire game is based apon One Server? Ok so there isnt a plethora of servers to play on but because One Server has a player blocked they stop playing the game?

Well I ask you this.. What makes that One Server so popular? What makes the players who can abide by the rules continue to come back? Maybe they enjoy the environment... Maybe they enjoy the fact that a lot of the trouble makers are gone from the server ( Not pointed at any one person ).

Ok so you say that there are bans from 2005.. That is 3yrs ago, Im sure some of those players are still around but im also sure 85% of them are long gone. So with this you would like to claim that the 15% remaining would put FF on the map and in the homes of millions? I think its basically just pointing your finger at someone else and saying they are to blame.

Maybe its that in itself that hurts the expansion of the game. I absolutely love FF.. I love the feel of the game and highly enjoy the playing experience. But what I hate is logging into a server of egotistical elite players who think that there stuff doesnt stink.. Its simply a game, you die and you come back to life to kill again.. Yes id love to see 20 servers full a night but with the constant bickering it just wont happen.

Really long story short, if you dont like the rules then please feel free to pay for your own server and play the game how you feel it should be played. But it is asinine to think that because One Server has an extensive banned list it has killed a game.
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