Thread: (Released) ff_destroy
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Old 02-11-2009, 10:51 AM   #18
Fortress Forever Staff
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imo the TFC destroy had some great ideas but also some major design flaws (def spawning pretty much in the fr [top ramp position], fd enclosed and often lockable with no secondary route, offy having to go out via the same route the nme offy come in so they get in each others way and offy often get owned by their own def, top corridor to fr far too spammable, etc).

i think we've managed to resolve all of those issues and many more while retaining and improving the good parts of the gameplay of the TFC version (which were and still are awesome btw, so v good job there, koochy). anyway, the result is a really well balanced map for competitive play (which is the target playerbase for CTF maps) that seems to be the most popular map in FF pickups atm (at least in europe.. i don't know about the usa). i'm sorry if you guys don't like it, but lots of ppl do.

and if you're wondering why we put dev effort into clan CTF maps: yes, the focus of FF development is rightly shifting towards non-CTF public server play, but solid clan CTF maps like this are still in very short supply, and it's not an area we should forget about even if it's not our focus.
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