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Old 03-07-2009, 04:21 AM   #14
Official FF Medic
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Originally Posted by BinaryLife View Post
I don't think that's what he meant. I think he meant that he is annoyed by all these attempts at "cool videos" that pretty much just take popular songs and run them along side video of [insert game here].
If that was the point, then yeah, I don't like that either and this might help that.

Originally Posted by Ihmhi View Post
FF is doing this now, actually. I've been working on finding bands with good music and getting them for our future videos. Know any good ones? PM me with Myspace links.
I know of one, but their myspace doesn't have any music on it for some reason, so I'll get you some and send you it when I get it.

Originally Posted by MonoXideAtWork View Post
You're absolutely right, but its out of our hands, so we need to make lemonade from lemons.

It sucks, but honestly, people were putting up whole albums up on youtube, and even though we know that it helps the band's popularity, which is ultimately good for the band, it's not good for the record companies, and they are striking back with lawsuits.

I hate the fact that sweeping "cover our ass" moves like this usually end up doing much more harm than good, but on the bright side of that, posting copywritten material is against TOS, and the videos involved could have gotten your account suspended/removed.
Yeah, I don't like how it usually does more harm than good, that and I also don't see how a site like youtube makes it so the record company loses sales. Yeah you can listen to music on it for free, but for me to be able to take it with me, is a bit of a pain in the ass, I think, so I just don't see why they have to go after youtube like they do.
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