Thread: Ideas?
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Old 03-09-2009, 08:22 PM   #11
D&A Member
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This map is a sniper's heaven. But sniping in UT is different than FF, FF can see more while zoomed in. For FF, the snipers would rape unless it was limited to 1 sniper a team. Atleast in xpress the snipers can only look down on you from 10 feet. This map (although ridiculously fun in UT), will have FF snipers looking down on everyone by like 100 feet.

Also in UT the flag is on the main floor just in the back, every other level of the towers are meant for long range defense and collecting different weapons. This would have to be reversed for FF. The flag would need to be near the top so there would be a point to having people on each different level defending, otherwise the only point to having the different levels of the tower will be for snipers to choose what level they want to snipe from.
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