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Old 03-16-2009, 05:21 PM   #28
Bridget's Avatar
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Originally Posted by KubeDawg View Post
I got banned from O-T for using profanity. I chose to tell them they're a bunch of hypocritical fuck tards who shouldn't be allowed to administrate a server.

You don't really need to go that further mile and use racial slurs to get banned from O-T. Now you are probably banned from half the populated FF servers, because why? You wanted to try to piss them off? Here's a clue, if you don't like a server due to it's strict rules, then don't play there. It's as simple as that.

Btw, how's turkeyburgers coming along?
I was already banned from OT. Also, I don't really care if I'm banned from 'half' of the populated servers. I'm still allowed on the only two FF servers that matter: Partial's and Talos.

For TurkeyBurgers: Meh. I can't do the port. The lame brush to plane conversion that happens when you try to export chain from .bsp -> .map -> .vmf makes the floors unaligned and shows the orange dev texture. I'm going to have to remake the whole map from scratch. Well.. When I build the motivation to do that.
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