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Old 04-15-2009, 05:46 AM   #27
aka VoiD
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Edmonton, AB, CANADA
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Im addicted ive created 30 characters so far here is some of my good ones so far:
My main not that good but hes who i started this addiction with
My second main lol i just enjoy beating people with a frying pan and having the shield seems to help me block everything so far lol
undefeated but not that great stats
I like his stats cant go wrong with armour, martial arts, and herc STR
My pride and joy just because right from the get go he had a BEAR as a pet w00t

My brute is getting pretty good...a sheild and now another dog....when my guy does actually use a weapon i win pretty easily. When I hit rank 10 I want to make a if you are my pupil or havent created one yet....join up and battle, when you level up i get xp also....if just a few people do it i should be rank 10 in just a couple days.

Remember you can only create 1 pupil per dont go and make 100...its just a waste of time
Damn so every pupil so far i created is useless....... oh well from now on out ill create brutes for everyone else
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