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Old 06-22-2009, 05:35 PM   #16
Skanky Butterpuss
Beware the Hammer
Buffalo Butterpuss
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Class/Position: Sabotaging your shit.
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i agree with most of what has been said here. i stopped playing ugc because 5v5 was horrible, and the skill level of all the clans was all across the board, making for lots of blowouts and forfeits. on top of that, the clan that consistently lead the standings had no sense of sportsmanship, causing other clans to lose their own sense of sportsmanship and simply forfeit playing them out of spite. it got to be a big pissing match with a bunch of annoying twats e-thugging each other.

squeeks 4v4 pickup league was awesome, but only had a few active clans to start, and a few of those few dropped out after the first couple weeks, leaving only 2 or 3 clans to finish out the season. if i were ever going to play in a league again, it would only be a 4v4 ovd or 7v7/8v8 full. or a avd/hunted/waterpolo type league
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