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Old 07-28-2009, 06:36 AM   #99
Join Date: Nov 2008
Gametype: Capture the Flag
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As a member of the community and a regular pickup player, I accept Hadez apology as should everyone in my opinion. I believe he is sincere in his apology and I think we all would be glad to see him in #ffpickups again. He has proven his devotion to the game previous to any of this as well as put alot of time and effort, anywhere from helping/coaching lesser skilled players (such as my self) to participating in map developement to bring more maps to the scene. He is a strong member of #ffpickup and fortress forever in general, therefore in my opinion I would like to see him given a second chance. I don't think this is too much to ask for someone who is willing to admit his mistake and apologize publicly to the community, especially realizing that no one else in my knowledge has done the same. He cares, and I think we all should care as well... I believe he learned his lesson, and as it stands, i havent seen any impressive proof against him anyway. Hadez has my vote.
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