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Old 07-28-2009, 02:32 PM   #100
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While I can appreciate hadez's apologetic nature in this manner, you simply can't NOT punish him. It sets a bad precedence. The guy who uses steroids is just as guilty as the one who distributes them. It furthers the tainting of the sport. In this case, he distributed hacks among a small community, I don't care how many received the hack, it still happened. It's tainting the game. A game that can ill afford to have more "bad press" on the account of someone who made a bitch move in distributing the hack.

I don't play anymore, I haven't played since January because of crap like this. People's reputations are more important than the games reputation. If this ban doesn't hold up, why would anyone want to join a community of hack distributors/users. Unfortunately for FF, this is probably only the tip of the iceberg.

It's just like Major League Baseball and the "Steroid Era". Everyone will look at all the good players of this time period and wonder whether they did it clean or not. How many of the people on this forum, in the pick-up channels, playing the game in general are doing it clean? If this ban doesn't hold up, it will no longer be "innocent until proven guilty" it will be "guilty until proven innocent"
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