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Old 08-06-2009, 03:29 PM   #25
Pub Allstar!
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Class/Position: under en kvinna
Gametype: Capture the Flag
Affiliations: Eternal Order, Must be h4x, Mono's happy funtime.
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I honestly think that larger team sizes would create an influx of new players into the league and promote a healthier league enviroment for the following reasons:

1. No teams currently have enough active players to field the required amount of players.

This will cause teams to hit IRC, forums, and pubs to recruit current players, as well as inviting friends that are new to FF to play for their team.

A positive side effect, is that the clan community would likely relocate from the pickup channel to the public servers in an effort to impress and recruit members with promise. This would not only help populate the public servers, but would bring our two segregated communities together.

2. A league with teams of this size has not been successful, partly due to fear of not having enough teams or players to complete. People not signing up, because they don't think others will sign up is self-actualizing failure. If you build it, they will come.

3. Newer players would be able to shore up the ranks of the defense for most teams, as when they are not required to play offense, there's a complete skillset that is not REQUIRED in order to join a team and play.

A positive side effect would be an increase in pickup activity, as newer players will undoubtedly be instructed to PLAY MORE! And pickups provide the level of training required to hone the skills of a player in a reasonable amount of time. This is the place for the 4vv4 "practice" that everyone is so fond of.

I understand the objections raised to this idea, and they all stem from the issue i raised in my previous post. Developers, mappers, players, we're all guilty, are thinking of the current playerbase as opposed to where we want to go.

More players = more action = more footage = more promotion.
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