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Old 08-06-2009, 09:03 PM   #30
D&A Member
Join Date: Sep 2007
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I'm curious. Did you even participate in any of the 3 seasons UGC ran in the 5v5 league? You sound like someone who can spout off all sorts of theroetical possibilities with no actual experience on the subject

These people saying what works and what doesn't work, have already invested 3 full seasons in trying to get things to work, inside and outside of the UGC 5v5 league.

It was very obvious through the course of the 3 full seasons how commitment dwindled considerabley, and how it was a constant struggle just to get people to show up for a single night a week. There were many factors involved in it finally being shutdown, and the largest one being that probably over half of the clanning community just stopped playing.

Even the pickup community although we've seen a few new players, those few haven't even come close to replacing the numbers that have left. We're literally playing with the same 15 people over and over.
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