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Old 08-06-2009, 11:01 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Lynus View Post
i agree.. we do have a segregated community. any leagues are better than no leagues and the idea of a 8v8 or 9v9 is definitely worth a shot. im in

@ squeek.

Just sayin.

also: @
Originally Posted by squeek
Why don't you try setting up a 9v9/8v8 league?
I like where your head is at.

@ War.

Hypothetically, how many could you field weekly?

@ dr. satan

Sponsored prizes then?

and a slew of others:

contacting cybercafes ( is a good way to find locations for the tournament to be held. Since Fortress-Forever has international appeal, an on location tournament tour would be the best idea, so teams that wanted to compete could do so in a location relatively near to them. A way to mitigate costs is to contact the centers directly that have steam games (many that signed on initially have since opted out of the program due to the increase in the already outrageous monthly invoice.) and offer them the ability to host the tournament at their location and collect a registration fee directly, in exchange for on site admin by their staff. We get a place to play, and they get multiple teams' registration fees and concession.

An online tournament could work as well, but in order to have good response from the sponsors, we would really need to have everything together.

We'd need coverage on all the major gaming news sites, with sponsor product placement featured very prominently on or in any images for the press kit. Also, a web co-op with a sponsor could net very large prize amounts. The key is, sponsors tend to be a little more cautious around online events because they tend to require a lot of physical proof in order to retain sponsorship for future events. We'd probably need to set up an arrangement along the lines of : x amount of dollars in product for every Y teams or Z players. This would insure that the sponsors could control their ROI, which is especially important after the fall of the CAL.

Here are leagues some leagues that are successful currently:

Notice, the prominent ad space.

Next, we'd need a way to get news of what this is, who we are, and what we're doing, into the hands of every former and current player of fortress games.

The next thing is getting the word out to people who may have not ever played a fortress game before.

Contrary to the opinions of most people critical of league play, I believe the devs are actively making steps to gain more new players in the development and refinement of features.

(@ all (but most know better)please do not respond about your ideas on features, you've already said it somewhere before, and if not, this is not the proper place for it, find it and do so there.)

Movies - Our filmmakers are very very talented. We need to release as many movies as possible and support the ones that get released. If you saw a new movie about this game, link it to someone that hasn't seen it, comment on the post here on the forums with PROPS AND CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. These are the best tools we have for getting players to "switch brands" from any other game to FF.
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