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Old 10-15-2009, 12:32 AM   #7
AKA LittleAndroidMan
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Dystopia
Class/Position: Demo/Medic
Gametype: CTF
Affiliations: [TALOS] [SR]
Posts Rated Helpful 11 Times
In my past week of playing, I've seen a lot of noobs, but there's also been a lot of noobs that reminded me of myself when I first started playing TFC, a noob that wanted to learn, all these people need is a little push. The thing that got me into league play was playing OvD on classic OvD servers like [GoW]Odin's Graveyard, and playing with the people who were clanning, and the more I played there, the more I learned about how to play this game at an advanced level, and the more I got better, the more people asked me to clan with them, and the more actively I sought out clans.

If the community sets up a solid OvD server that has strictly enforced OvD rules (Remember, the goal is to help noobs, so we can't just kick people for not playing OvD properly, we instead could teach them how to OvD) it would not only be a popular server, but it would be a boon for league play. The more newcomers we turn onto league play, the better the community will become. I'm even willing to start a clan of my own and play strictly with new players, just to turn them onto league play. If it weren't for the fact that I currently don't have a job, I'd buy my own server, but I don't have the money, which is why I'd like to collaborate with a willing server owner, who wants to turn their server into a popular OvD server like Odin's Graveyard was back in TFC, and instead could be focused on helping people and newcomers, rather than turning them away.

There's a lot of TFC old-timers who are great at the game, but they want to live in a bubble. A lot of them are ego maniacs and don't want to play FF because it's easier than TFC. I agree with them that it's easier, and no game will come close to being as good as TFC, but this game has the potential to grow the community and is pretty damn close to TFC. That's what made me fall in love with the TF community, was the fact that the community (Minus a few elitists/ego-maniacs) was absolutely amazing. With FF, I see the chance to start over fresh, meanwhile the people from the TFC community that made it a hostile environment are living in their bubbles and rejecting this game because they'd rather play the same game they've been playing for 10 years because it's a little harder.
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