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Old 12-28-2009, 01:10 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Beef Eater View Post
Well yes, in the same way Half-Life 2 runs on the GoldSrc engine. You've played Warsow, right? It runs on an improved Q2(Qfusion) and its graphics are pretty damn good. Not great but that's because of the art style. It also lacks ragdoll/object physics, something that hardly belongs in a Quake-like competitive fps anyway, for gameplay reasons. Also, netcode is great
This is correct, it uses the more advanced Qfusion engine maintained by vic. And yes all the code is open source. If you think the netcode is great I'm assuming you haven't played 0.5 :P Anyway, the warsow project was nowhere near where it is now (qfusion shine, scripting support, etc) when FF was conceived and even developed so it's an unfair viewpoint really. The Source engine was naturally very complete and mature when released, and orange box brings cool 'stuff' like achievements that would otherwise not be an option. And the biggest thing to me is that Warsow has directly comparable player base to FF so they seem kind of in the same boat. Even quake live has a very small and stagnating active player base in the USA.

tldr; player count issue has nothing to do with engine selection these days. fast paced fps like quake and TF gameplay have largely taken a back seat to teamplay games designed for people with no attention span, like CoD, regardless of the engine
9:17 PM - DEXTER: can you teach me how to play o
9:17 PM - squeek.: you jump a lot
9:18 PM - squeek.: and do sweet moves

8:55 PM - FDA: fart in you fridge and blame it on wild animals
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