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Old 01-14-2010, 05:20 PM   #2
FF Loremaster
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Yeah, I didn't want to say anything but the art direction they've been going for is very similar to Warhammer 40k.

For example, the HW is based off of a Heavy Weapons Shoota Space Ork while the engineers turret looks like a Tyranid Zoanthrope.

They're also working on some new scale sizes for things. For example, the dispenser will only fit outside in some yards as it is being modeled after the Space Marine drop pod.

The following picture is of an engineers dispenser in the yard of a new map and game mode (40k_wasteland) while some scouts (top right), some medics with nail guns (bottom middle), some spies (bottom right on the bikes... did I mention vehicles?) and soldier who is fighting another soldier (both on the left).

That is an IN GAME screen shot!
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Ronald Reagan
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